Monday, February 27, 2012

Cheers to 31!!!

So I'm not really one to get on here and say "Yay Happy Birthday To Me"~ But, I guess what I'm trying to say is "Happy Birthday to me". Honestly though, it's truthfully just a segway to talk about alcohol! I'm not an avid drinker, but I do like to partake every now and then. The occasional margarita, beer (only if a kind I like), wine spritzer, and most of all, "girly" fruity drinks! And if it comes an umbrella in it, even better! Well, last year at my sister in law's wedding, a close friend of the family decided I needed a drink, and something yummy. So she introduced me to a new friend~ the mimosa!! Yes, I know it's kind of sad that I went 30 years w/o one, but alas, I did. Well, it was love at first sip. So simple, so delicious and I love orange juice, so why not?? But here's my secret- I'm not a fan of champagne! So much so I only took 2 sips at our wedding for the sake of a toast and a great photo opportunity! But put it w/ some juice and I'll keep coming back for more! I've been very blessed in my 31 years. I've had a successful career, married the man I love and adore, had a beautiful son who amazes me more and more every day, and have gotten to make him my main priority every day, and now find fulfillment and joy in something I love doing and sharing w/ all of you! I can only wish 31 treats me just as well.   If someone else out there is having a birthday today too, I hope you get to "cheers" yourself  and have a blessed, fantastic day!

1/2 c. champagne
1/2 c. orange juice
Strawberries for garnish

Mix and chill well. Garnish glasses w/ strawberries, or even add to for extra flavor.
*As long as you use equal parts juice and champagne, these are easily adaptable to a crowd!

Shared on Home Savvy Feb. 27, 2012
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Feb. 27, 2012
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Feb. 28, 2012
Shared on Chef in Training Feb. 28, 2012
Shared on Cooking with Karyn Feb. 28, 2012
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Feb. 29, 2012
Shared on This Chick Cooks Feb. 29, 2012
Shared on Newlyweds Blog Feb. 29, 2012
Drinks at Very Good Recipes
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1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Hope your day is FILLED with all those things you cherish the most!


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