Thursday, January 5, 2012

Put Away The Lasagna Pan...

That's right folks. I'm about to show you how you can enjoy the flavors and comfort food feeling of lasagna without even turning on the oven! (And nope, you're not calling Pizza Hut either!) This is another recipe I learned at the Taste of Home Cooking Show in November; and it's another use for the Philadelphia Cooking Cream I'm beginning to be obsessed with. It's to the point I am seeking out recipes to use it in b/c every one I try turns out perfectly. I know so many people who love to make lasagna, but they either don't have the time w/ their busy schedule, or can't afford the ingredients. Cheese is NOT cheap at the grocery store. And to do lasagna right, you better be bringing home some ricotta, mozzarella and Parmesan. I try to save recipes that include cheese for weeks it is on sale, but I know people that are saving dishes like lasagna for special occasions b/c of the cost involved. But this get all the same great flavors, it's quick, easy and not nearly as hard on the wallet. Plus, it's something you can whip up after a long day at work, on the stove top, and be eating in about a half hour. I don't know of any baked lasagna that can promise that! So if you are craving the cheesy, saucy, filling goodness of a piece of lasagna but for whatever reason aren't making it, try this...I promise you won't be disappointed!

Easy Skillet Lasagna from Taste of Home
1 lb. ground beef
1/2 c. each chopped green and red peppers (I used 1 c. green)
1 24 oz jar spaghetti sauce (I could only find a 26 oz)
2 c. water
12 lasagna noodles, broken
1 tub Philadelphia Tomato & Basil Cooking Cream

Brown meat with peppers in deep large nonstick skillet; drain. (I used a dutch oven.) Stir in sauce and water. Bring to a boil. Stir in noodles; Cover. Simmer on medium-low heat 15 minutes or until noodles are tender, stirring occasionally. Add cooking cream, swirl w/ a spoon. Remove from heat. Let stand, covered, 3 minutes.

Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Jan. 5, 2012
Shared on The Country Cook Jan. 6, 2012
Shared on Gooseberry Patch Jan. 11, 2012
Pasta at Very Good Recipes
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  1. WOW... I love this recipe! I made a Lasagna for Christmas Eve and indeed, great taste and great costs. Will be giving this a try for an everyday recipe!

    Thanks, terrific post


  2. Brilliant idea! It's one of those that makes me think...WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT??? Thanks for sharing another great dish.

  3. Found this over at Full Plate Thursday....sounds so amazing! It's going to the top of my "to try" list.

  4. I make lasagne about once every two months, but make enough to freeze some for a second outing and have enough sauce leftover for 2 spag bol outings too.

    For years, I've only ever put cheese sauce on the top layer of pasta, never in the middle. We prefer it that way and it keeps the calories down too.

    If you're interested, I have my recipe and method on my blog. I have to confess to using supermarket tubs of 4 cheese sauce for the topping rather than making it!


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