Monday, January 30, 2012

Holy Guacamole

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Avocados from Mexico for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I LOVE avocados. Do you??? Seriously, I can slice one up, add a little salt and eat as is. Or maybe whip up a little guacamole and have even more fun! You can even hear me declaring, "Holy Guacamole" when something really excites me! I didn't discover avocados until I was in adulthood, but it was love as first taste! Heck, I love them so much I even own an avocado bowl for serving that yummy guacamole out of! (Thanks to some great friends who know my obsession!)
 Super cute, I know!
And now I know there are millions of fellow lovers for the little green gems out there, thanks to Avocados from Mexico
Now you too can declare your love for and share that love for avocados by visiting I love avocados on Facebook
They have wallpapers and ringtones you can download for FREE. Virtual gifts you can send to friends and other avocado worshipers. And for bloggers, you have your choice of 2 adorable badges you can add to your foodie blog! Simply visit the page, click on the one you want and in seconds, it's yours! Here is the cute badge that has found a new permanent  home on EMM~
If you're like me and Facebook is only part of your social media family, you can also connect w/ Avocados from Mexico on Twitter (@guacgrl). And let the world know you love them by tweeting w/ the hashtag #iloveavocados :)
So if you are crazy for avocados like I am, shout if from the roof tops, and let everyone know! Oh, and if you happen to have some in your fridge, bust 'em out and I'll be right over!!!
Visit Sponsor's Site

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