Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Veggie Tales

I am a sucker for a good veggie tray. I'm the person at a party table filled w/ beautiful offerings grabbing raw veggies and dip. Of course I enjoy all the other yummy offerings, but I never pass on some carrots, celery, broccoli and something creamy to dip them in. I've had lots of different dips through the years, but after sampling & making more than I can count, I have found my "beat all, end all" dip recipe. It's actually one my friend Erin shared w/ me last year. And after listening to her rave about it, I finally understood why. It literally takes every dip I love and combines them into one magnificent concoction. Now yes, w/ most dishes taking all of your favorites and making a mass offering really wouldn't be appetizing, but w/ this it works, and works perfectly. If you have a New Year's Eve party planned, don't forget the raw veggies (in case I stop by) and this dip to make your guests saw "Wow!".

Veggie Dip
16 oz. sour cream
16 oz. French onion dip
1 ranch dressing packet, dry
1 Knorr vegetable dip packet, dry

In a large bowl, combine all and mix until combined. Chill for 24 hours before serving. Perfect w/ veggies, chips or crackers.

Shared on Gooseberry Patch Dec. 28, 2011
Appetizers at Very Good Recipes
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