Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's That Time of Year

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Slim-Fast for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Christmas. Yes, I'm referring to it. But more specifically, I'm talking about that time of year when we all tend to  find a couple extra pounds laying around (probably on a plate of cookies, fudge or a candy!) and then by January 1st, we make a resolution to not only drop those few pounds, but a few extra to start the new year right. I won't lie, I'm really not one for resolutions. I think they set me up for failure. Instead, I aim to change things about myself, or my life, gradually, striving to do the best I can. That way, if I do slip, I know tomorrow is another day and I can pick back up where I left off. If you are already thinking about how to lose that holiday weight (before you've even started eating b/c you know it's coming) or you have decided 2012 is when you are bringing health and weight loss into your life, than I've got a great plan and product line for you.
Have you ever tried the Slim Fast line before?
Well, I have and I can attest to the fact it works! When I was in college, I gained the dreaded "Freshman 15" and by sophomore year I was ready to lost it; and I did it by drinking Slim Fast shakes. Well, in the most exciting launch for the brand in years, Slim Fast is introducing its creamiest, riches, best-tasting shakes ever. And all of this in a convenient bottle, perfect for "on-the-go". These shakes are part of the new Slim Fast 3-2-1 Plan. It gives you structure and variety at the same time, while yielding quick results. Just follow the simple outline to achieve your goals:
  • 3 snacks: Fruit, nuts, or Slim Fast 100-Calorie Bars- a great way to crave sweet tooth cravings between meals
  • 2 Slim Fast Shakes or Meal Bars per day: These provide the nutrients of a balanced meal w/ up to 4 hours of hunger control. 
  • 1 Balanced (500 calorie) Meal per day (Note: a great tip is to fill your plate w/ half veggies, a quarter protein and a quarter whole grains)
Easy, right??!! I am a total "Type A" personality, and I love the easy steps to follow, and "rules" to remember. Slim Fast was kind enough to provide me w/ a coupon to purchase and try one of their new fabulous shakes. (I actually bought a 4 pack) I had my choice of  Creamy Milk Chocolate, French Vanilla, Cappuccino Delight, Strawberries N Cream or Rich Chocolate Royale. I chose French Vanilla and could not be happier w/ that choice! It truly was creamy, rich and flavorful.


I truly believe the Slim Fast 3-2-1 Plan could be the key to helping you drop those cursed holiday pounds, in an effective, easy, and tasty manner! Wouldn't it be nice to know you have help waiting on you, so you can enjoy the holidays w/ your family and loved ones w/o the stress of not knowing how you're going to start the journey to weight loss? Slim Fast 3-2-1 can give you that peace of mind.
The products are easy to find at your local Walmart, Target, Safeway, Kroger, and even online at Amazon.
Be sure to visit them on Facebook, as well, for extra ideas, tips and offers! I did!

Visit Sponsor's Site


  1. I have been using slimfast shakes for 2 months now and have lost 26lbs. I like the french vanilla ones, blended with frozen fruit like strawberries, bananas, and peaches.

  2. I going to give this a try...based on your review here. I really need some help to jumpstart some weight loss. Thanks for the info.


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