Sunday, December 11, 2011

Church Supper #20

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Every where you go"..... You know the rest! Are you getting as excited as I am? Christmas is only 2 weeks away! I swear, I can feel my inner child getting more and more giddy w/ each day that passes! I have always loved Christmas, but I find myself enjoying it even more so now w/ a child of my own. It's like I rediscover and experience the magic for the first time all over again when he does. I want you all to enjoy this Church Supper b/c it will be the last one until the new year :) I will be taking a break on the 18th to entertain friends, and then Christmas Day of course, and then New Year's Day we have a family party to attend. So the next time we "meet" for our Sunday dinner, will be January 8, 2012! So share your favorite Christmas recipes, or just some great ones you made this week.  Please remember I wish you God's blessings all week long!


1. Feel free to link up as many recipes as you like!

2. Link up to your ACTUAL recipe, not just your homepage. Much easier to find you that way!

3. Include a link back to EMM on your recipe post or grab my button!

4. Leave comments so I can visit you back!

5. Visit at least 2 other sites and tell them you joined them at my Church Supper!

6. Follow my blog here w/ GFC and on Facebook :)


  1. Krista, can you believe I was the 1st one this week! I am so proud of myself for remembering! (lol)

  2. Thanks for hosting, Krista.

    I've added a Chicken and Broccoli Braid, a wonderfully easy Peanut Brittle and a Sausage and Escarole Stew which is also excellent made with Kale in lieu of the Escarole. I made it with Kale this afternoon!

    Off to meet some new friends and drop in for coffee with some old favorites :-)

  3. Thanks for hosting, Krista! I have shared steak au poivre, pearl's bars and black bean and chorizo soup.
    Have a great week!

  4. Thanks for letting me post!! I shared two recipes this week with you. I got an error the first time, now that I am looking, it posted twice! Sorry about that! :(

  5. Thanks for hosting Krista. I posted my Homemade Limoncello and the Asiago Tomato Basil Soup, though I got an error the first time and now it posted 2x..sorry! Hope you're having a great Sunday.


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