Monday, November 21, 2011

Turkey App...No iPhone Needed

I'm talking appetizer. (But in today's world, let's face it, the "app" had you thinking something was going to need downloaded!) I have had these saved to my Thanksgiving Pinterest board since before the leaves were falling from the trees. I think they would make a great "nibbly bit" (as Alex calls them) for your Turkey Day celebration, or if you want to wait until the day after, something nice and light that could use up some of those leftovers that are taking over your fridge. Adam described them as "Thanksgiving in a bite sized portable package." I couldn't have said it better myself! They are sweet, savory and oh so yummy! I hope you enjoy this "app" brought to you from EMM, free of charge, no data required!!

Turkey Bites

Triscuit Crackers
Roasted Turkey deli meat
Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Whole Cranberry Sauce

On each cracker, place a small slice of cheese and turkey. Top w/ a small dollop of cranberry sauce.

*Leftover turkey and cranberry sauce would be a great substitute. And American cheese would be good, if sharp cheddar is a little too "bitey" for the kids.*

Shared on Make Ahead Meals Nov. 21, 2011
Shared on Home Savvy Nov. 21, 2011
Shared on Celebrating Family Nov. 22, 2011
Shared on Naptime Creations Nov. 22, 2011
Shared on Chef in Training Nov. 22, 2011
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Nov. 22, 2011
Shared on This Chick Cooks Nov. 23. 2011
Shared at Newlyweds Blog Nov. 23, 2011
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Nov. 24, 2011
Shared on A Little Nosh Nov. 24, 2011
Shared on Gooseberry Patch May 9, 2012
Turkey at Very Good Recipes
Appetizers at Very Good Recipes
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  1. I hope you enjoy this "app" brought to you from EMM, free of charge, no data required!! Turkey Bites Triscuit Crackers Roasted Turkey deli mea..

  2. Those look perfect! Thanks for sharing them. Come visit us. We have pumpkin macaroni and cheese on the menu.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Really it's an amazing app to share here. I like this to seen them. wedding app is a perfect one to plan a wedding. i have plan this app to use my wedding and plan exactly.

  4. Great appetizer's and a great idea. Hope you are having a great holiday week end. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope you will come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  5. Love the mixture of sweet and savory. Sounds delish. Thanks so much for linking up at A Little Nosh this week!

  6. It is very nice to share the turkey app. This app may be useful in the event like wedding. My close friend is using the wedding planner iPhone app for the assistant and i will share this turkey app to him.

  7. Nice sharing about the iPhone these are awesome.telekupon


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