Friday, November 25, 2011

This One Time At Band Camp....'s not that kind of story. Get your mind out of the gutter! This is truly a story about my days in band camp. Yes, I was a bank geek; and proud of it! My 4 years in high school were about many things, but one of the biggest time consuming, lesson teaching, memory making activities was Carroll Charger Pride! I played flute in concert, pep and marching band, but my true love and the one I enjoyed the absolute most was marching. The summer weeks spent practicing, the fall football games, the Saturday competitions-from July to November my life revolved around my flute, drill and good times. One of the reasons it was so much fun was b/c 99% of my friends were in band too, so along w/ a lot of work came many opportunities to be w/ the people I loved. One of my friend's moms always made these for parties and she would bring them to band practice too. I LOVED them....seriously.....she would make an extra plate just for me :) They make a great appetizer, lunch, or snack. Plus they are one of those things you can dress up or down, add to, and really make your own. High school may have been 12 years ago, but those memories will last a lifetime, especially when I'm eating these!

Salsa Roll Ups

Small Flour Tortillas (soft taco size)
4 oz. Whipped Cream Cheese
3 TBS Mild Chunky Salsa
Finely Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1/4 tsp chili powder

In a small bowl, combine cream cheese, salsa and chili powder. Mix well. Spread on tortillas. Top w/ cheese. Roll up tightly and cut into pieces. Chill before serving.

Shared at Make Ahead Meals Nov. 28, 2011
Appetizers at Very Good Recipes
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1 comment:

  1. Haha--you sucked me in with the title of this one, Krista! ;)

    But I'll stop blog-stalking for long enough to let you know that I do enjoy this one. Keep it up! I love the anticdotes!

    And I may have to try these rollups--been craving something gooey like that!


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