Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgivings Memories

The year was 2007. I was a wife of 4 years and a mommy to a 3 year old and about to embark on a journey I had never taken before and haven't again since. I was going to make Thanksgiving dinner at my house, for my family. Now, that only consisted of Adam, Alex, myself and my parents, but it was still intimidating w/ a capital I! Thawing a turkey? Roasting it to perfection? Making all the sides to go with it? Oh my gosh, I was so scared I was going to screw something up! I planned for weeks, and wanted to make it so special for everyone, but especially for my parents who were not able to go "home" to Pa and see any of there family that year. I tried really hard to recapture the spirit of Thanksgivings of yesteryear that we had all shared together, and while it was on a much smaller scale, and there were only 5 of us at the table, I think I did a pretty nice job. We had a wonderful day together, and many memories were made. One of the most vivid I have of that day is the Waldorf Salad I made. It might sound silly, but I was so proud of that salad. I remembered my Grammy making it for holidays before, and I wanted to make something that would bring back those same memories for my dad. He loved it. We all did. I felt so good making something so "old fashioned". (You have to understand that at the time, I was nowhere near the cook I am today.) This salad looks like a holiday on a plate to me; and every time I make it I'm taken back to that day. Such a simple holiday, but one I will remember for the rest of my life as being the first one we celebrated in our home, all together.

Waldorf Salad
3-4 apples, cored and chopped
1 1/2 c. seedless red grapes, halved
1 1/2 c. celery, chopped
1/2 -1 c. chopped walnuts (we like lots)
6 TBS mayo
3 TBS lemon juice
Salt and Pepper to taste

Mix apples, grapes, celery and nuts. In a separate bowl, combine mayo and lemon juice. Pour over apple mixture and toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper. Chill well before serving.

Shared on This Chick Cooks Nov. 23, 2011
Shared on Newlyweds Blog Nov. 23, 2011
Shared on The Shady Porch Nov. 23, 2011
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Nov. 24, 2011
Shared on A Little Nosh Nov. 24, 2011


  1. I love this salad! Have a Happy Thanksgiving Krista! :)

  2. Waldorf Salad! Yes, please...lots of walnuts! It has been a long time since I've had it but I love it! I am going to have to make it now! I would love to have you share it at my party!

  3. Hi Krista,
    We just love a Waldorf Salad and it is just perfect for this time of the year. Hope you are having a great holiday week end. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope you will come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  4. This brings back memories for me. My grandma would make this for every single gathering and I loved it. I tried to make it twice and it didn't turn out well. I look forward to trying this recipe out. :)

  5. Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I used your recipe as a jumping point to create an apple salad. I mentioned you on my blog. It was yummy by the way!

  6. Got to know your blog thru Elsa and she has made this salad too.

    Love all your wholesome cooking. I'm happy to follow for more of your food ideas.

  7. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Hope you are having a great week and enjoy your new Red Plate.
    Miz Helen


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