Wednesday, November 30, 2011

From My Heart To His

I have 2 people in this house whom I aim to please w/ tasty meals on a daily basis. I'm not going to lie to you. One is easier than the other. Not b/c the older of the two is picky by any means, but let's face it, the 7 year old, well, my 7 year old anyway, will pretty much eat anything I put in front of him, especially if it contains one of his diet staples~ cheese, cheese and cheese :) Seriously though, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm very lucky to not only have no picky eaters in my house, but two "boys" who are more than willing to play along w/ my kitchen science experiments. But when I come across a recipe that I am excited to make for my husband, b/c it contains a favorite of his, that is a good day! That is exactly what happened when my friend, Jenna, over at Newlyweds Blog shared her Hearts of Palm Salad recipe. I actually didn't know, until this past summer how much Adam enjoyed hearts of palm. Have you ever had them? If not, I would say they are closest to an artichoke heart; but if you haven't had those, I'd say think olive like. I had never had one until Adam brought home a can to snack on, and I was immediately hooked. Unfortunately though, my recipe box had zero dishes containing them. That was until this gem came along. This salad is amazing! It's packed full of flavor, and could actually be a meal in itself. Jenna has a homemade dressing she uses for it (click the link above to see the original recipe and the amazing dressing) but I used bottled dressing I had on hand. Adam loved every bite and was so excited to have a new way to enjoy this unique vegetable. I'm so happy to say I pleased my husband, straight from my heart.

Hearts of Palm Salad From Newlyweds Blog
1 1/2 Romaine hearts, chopped
1/2 c. real bacon bits
1(15 oz.) can hearts of palm, drained and chopped
1 (15 oz.) can artichoke hearts in water, drained and chopped
1 avocado, chopped
1/2 c. feta cheese crumbles
Creamy Vidalia Onion dressing

Combine lettuce, bacon, hearts of palm, artichokes, avocado. Toss to combine. Top w/ cheese crumbles and add dressing to taste. If not serving immediately, wait to add avocado to avoid browning.

Shared on This Chick Cooks Nov. 30, 2011
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Dec. 1, 2011
Shared on The Country Cook Dec. 2, 2011
Salad at Very Good Recipes
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  1. Loved this post, so very glad you guys enjoyed it so much. I am with your hubby I love Hearts of Palm, and my hubby doesn't so when I make this he picks them all out and I get to eat his, double win for me!!

    Don't forget to a recipe in my Recipe linky today!

  2. That's funny b/c Adam doesn't like avocados, so he picks those out and I get ALL of them :)

  3. Great looking recipe. I have never had this, but am going to try it now. Come visit and check out our pumpkin fried rice and tomorrow a great dip. Be sure to visit on Friday. We are having a great giveaway from the Shabby Apple. Visit and register to win!

  4. Jenna always has the great food on her blog and this salad is awesome. Hope you are having a great week end and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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