Sunday, November 20, 2011

Church Supper #18

Can you believe Thanksgiving is only 4 days away? Is it just me or is time flying??!! And we all know from Thursday on, it will be a very fast, downhill coast to Christmas. Have you started your shopping yet? Or do you fall into the "Black Friday" crowd, standing in line at midnight for those great deals? As much as I love to shop, I do not enjoy crowds, so I stay as far away as possible from the mall on the day after Thanksgiving! Lol Do you have your Turkey Day menu all planned? Usually I am only responsible for one or two things b/c we are "guests" but this year, we are "hosts" so I am doing most of the cooking! It will only be the second time I've ever hosted Thanksgiving, and this year I've decided to make a ham b/c Adam loves it, and never gets it. So yes, I'm "bucking" tradition and we'll be having Spiral Cut Ham w/ Orange Raisin Sauce, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Sauteed Parsnips, Rolls and Pumpkin Pie. (Thankfully, my mom is bringing the rolls and pie!) Just typing it make me hungry! We have so much to be thankful for this year--and that list includes all of you, and your wonderful support and love of this blog. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving. May your day be filled w/ love and bountiful memories. Share your favorite recipes from the week, or past ones you know are hits!  Please remember I wish you God's blessings all week long!


1. Feel free to link up as many recipes as you like!

2. Link up to your ACTUAL recipe, not just your homepage. Much easier to find you that way!

3. Include a link back to EMM on your recipe post or grab my button!

4. Leave comments so I can visit you back!

5. Visit at least 2 other sites and tell them you joined them at my Church Supper!

6. Follow my blog here w/ GFC and on Facebook :)


  1. Hi Krista! Thanks for hosting! I hope you have a great week and a fabulous Thanksgiving!:)

  2. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving Krista. Thanks for hosting! :)

  3. Thanks for hosting Krista! I linked up my RWoP Winning Pie Recipe!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!


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