Saturday, October 1, 2011

Weekend Company #3 {Guest Blogger Erin}

This weekend I have an extra special treat for you. Today's guest is not a food blogger, but a major foodie! I would say she was a foodie before it was cool :) Erin and I have been friends for over 20 years and literally grew up together. (Wow....I'm getting old!) We were little girls in elementary school together, and church groups. We survived high school w/ a lot of laughs and many memories. Then it was onto college and the "real world". We are both married now, both stay at home moms and are watching our children grow up. She is wife to Paul and the mommy to a beautiful daughter, Mia age 5, and a baby boy, Samuel who just turned 1 last month. (If you read my post about Buffalo Chili titled "Welcome Baby Samuel"---that was him! Dedicated to him, b/c Erin first gave me the base recipe for that chili!) She enjoys cooking, sewing, and most of all, taking care of her family.  We have truly come full circle and I'm honored she wanted to be my first "non blogger" guest for "Weekend Company".

This recipe is gorgeous w/ a capital G! I can imagine guests would be blown away being served this and it sounds so refreshing and so decadent. With Alex loving blueberries so much, I think this would be a real treat for him and different than anything he's ever had before. Another reason why I was so excited for Erin to share w/ you---I like when guests have recipes that are unique and vary from things I post for you!  Thanks so much to Erin for being a guest are a friend in the truest sense of the word and I will love you always!

Please welcome Erin......

My husband Paul and I have been going to the same resort in Michigan since we were dating.  There was a lovely restaurant called The Water Lily Lounge that served the most amazing Sunday brunch buffet.  Honestly, it was the most stunning thing I have ever seen.  Fresh flowers, ice sculptures, two and a half rooms of beautifully presented tables of edible delights.  It was really a feast for the senses.  On one of our visits, the chef was featuring a chilled fruit soup.  It was raspberry, cold, creamy, and oh-so-good!  I came home and started to search for a chilled soup recipe that I could use at home, between our yearly visits to Michigan.  After several attempts, this one hit the mark, spot on.  Sadly, The Water Lily Lounge has since closed, but now I can go back to those lovely trips with Paul via my own kitchen!  

Chilled Blueberry Soup

2 pints fresh blueberries, rinsed and dried, or frozen with juice, plus additional for garnish  (You can also use raspberries!)
2 c. plain yogurt
1 c. sour cream, plus more if using as a garnish.
2 Tbs. sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
whipped cream
pinch of cinnamon

Combine all ingredients, except garnishes, in a blender and mix well.  Chill in the fridge for at least one hour (this makes a HUGE difference in the texture!) before serving.  Serve in wine glasses, shot glasses or champagne flutes.  Garnish each serving with a dollop of sour cream OR whipped cream, and  a blueberry.  I also add a sprig of fresh mint from my garden if it is available!

Serves 10 appetizer portions.  

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  1. Hi Erin! Thanks so much for sharing your recipe with us! It looks just beautiful and I can just imagine that cool fresh taste in my mouth when I look at the picture! I'm already thinking about who I'm going to try it out on first. :)

  2. How beautiful! So lovely and delicious! I love blueberries and always looking for new blueberry dishes. Looking forward to trying. Great post!

  3. This looks and sounds amazing, thank you.

    Your description of the Water Lily is so well done I can envision the rooms!

    Great post - thanks for guesting!


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