Monday, October 3, 2011

This Little Piggy

He didn't go to market. He came from the market! For supper that is :) Kroger to be exact. I've said before how we like to have our chest freezer full of meat--beef, chicken, pork--and how when it's not I have to supplement from our local store or butcher shop. So for me, it's important to pat attention to meal sales. Likes most moms out there, I try to stretch a dollar in our house as far as I possibly can, and w/ the price of groceries rising every day, it's getting harder and harder. I was so excited when I found boneless half pork loin roast on sale for $1.97/lb. What a treat to have on a weeknight! We love pork roast. In fact, for the past several years it's what my mom has made for Christmas dinner and we always look forward to it. I know in the past, she sometimes has had trouble w/ it drying out, but after playing around w/ the times and temps, I've found this works perfect every time for a moist, tender and juicy piece of pork, perfect for dipping in applesauce. (There is another of our family's eating trends that I understand not all will enjoy). I like being have to have special things on a "regular" day w/o spending a lot of money. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. After all, it's my job to feed this family w/in the budget we've set, and in today's economy, it's not always an easy job. So I love when it all comes together and I've got a full belly and a couple extra dollars in my wallet. What do you do to save at the check out??

Pork Loin Roast

1 boneless half pork loin roast, 2.5-3 lbs
Salt and Pepper to taste

Pat roast dry w/ paper towels. Season liberally w/ salt and pepper. Place in a medium roasting pan and put in a preheated 350 oven. After 30 minutes, turn temp down to 325. Continue cooking for approximately 2 more hours, for a total cooking time of 2.5 hours. (A good estimate is 30-40 minutes per lb) Remove from oven and let rest on counter 15 minutes w/ a foil tent over before slicing.

Shared on Jam Hands Oct. 3, 2011
Shared on Chef in Training Oct. 4, 2011
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  1. That looks just delicious. I love pork roast and don't make it nearly often enough!

  2. Great deal on the pork roast! I haven't made it in a while, but I will be now!


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