Monday, October 24, 2011

Movie Night.....Kind Of

While I know we, as a family, aren't nearly as busy as other families out there, we are plenty "on the go" for me! Between work, school, errands, seeing family and friends, Taekwondo, etc, we are as busy as I would want to be at this point in our lives. I'm not complaining, because I don't like to be bored, but there comes a time in the week when I'm happy to know we don't have to be anywhere, don't have to do anything, and can just relax and be together. For us, this usually happens on Friday nights. Many times after supper, we'll finish up the last few chores around the house so come about 8 o'clock we can pop in a DVD, grab a snack and enjoy movie night in our pjs! But thanks to Cartoon Network, lately, no DVDs have been required. See, Friday nights have become "Clone Wars" night because Alex is OBSESSED w/ Star Wars; and a new season just started. (Every Friday, 8pm So it's my job to make sure my little Jedi has something yummy for his tummy while he is enjoying the latest adventure of Obi Wan, Anakin, and Asoka. Don't worry if you don't know these people...I wouldn't if it weren't for Alex and Adam. Oh yeah, did I mention that Alex inherited this obsession from DNA? And it didn't come from my chromosomes! For this Friday night I decided a Halloween inspired snack mix would be perfect for the little padawaan to munch on. (Again, another Star Wars reference. Mmmmm....maybe it's starting to rub off a little....). The components could easily be switched up depending on what you have on hand, what your little ones like, or since it has peanuts, what they can have. Plus it would be perfect for a Halloween party! Alex ate it with a smile on his face, so I will take that as he liked it since he was so engrossed I didn't hear much out of him for 30 whole minutes!!! Whew....another galaxy saved....join us next Friday for the next adventure!!!! (Not really.....but I'm sure I'll be there!)

Halloween 2009
Halloween 2010

Goblin Snack Mix

1 bag candy corn
1/2 bag Craisins
2 c. mini marshmallows
1 small bag chocolate covered peanuts

Mix all together and keep in an airtight container.

Shared on Make Ahead Meals Oct. 24, 2011
Shared on Celebrating Family Oct. 25, 2011
Shared on Chef in Training Oct. 25, 2011
Shared on Naptime Creations Oct. 25, 2011
Shared on Sweetology Oct. 25, 2011
Shared on This Chick Cooks Oct. 26, 2011
Shared on Lady Behind the Curtain Oct. 26, 2011
Shared on Hugs & Cookies Oct. 26, 2011
Shared on Lark's Country Heart Oct. 26, 2011
Shared on Bacon Time Oct. 26, 2011
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Oct. 27, 2011
Shared on It's a Keeper Oct. 27, 2011
Shared on Around My Family Table Oct. 27, 2011
Shared on Something Swanky Oct. 27, 2011
Shared on A Little Nosh Oct. 27, 2011
Shared on Jane Deere Oct. 28, 2011
Shared on Simply Sweet Home Oct. 28, 2011
Shared on Gooseberry Patch Oct. 29, 2011
Shared on Sweet as Sugar Cookies Oct. 29, 2011
Shared on J Daniel 4s Mom Oct. 29, 2011
Shared on Six Sisters' Stuff Oct. 29, 2011
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  1. Love this Goblin mix, I could gobble it all up! ;). The costumes are so cute.

  2. Oh how fun. I love his costumes. I had little and big Star War fanatics at my house once too! It does rub off. Watch out.

  3. Hi Krista,
    You could leave that sitting in front of me for the evening, I would really enjoy it. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have a great week end and come back soon!
    Miz Helen


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