Monday, October 10, 2011

Lunch Box Treat

I love finding things that will not only surprise Alex in his lunchbox, but can also be used for quick snacks after school. This everyday mom is all about double duty food. If I'm going to take the time to make something I want as much "bang for my buck" as I can get. This recipe came about b/c I was trying to think of new ideas for lunch and needed a snack...and was 2:45pm and the bell rings at 3:30pm :) I headed to the kitchen to see what I had on hand that could be whipped up into something yummy for my little man. I had some fresh apples and some graham crackers. Those alone would have been great, but I thought "Why not try to come up w/ a dip/spread that could also be used in his lunch"??!! I looked in the pantry, then the fridge, grabbed a few ingredients and set off. Just as I suspected, by the time he got home he was "stttaaaarrrrvvvviiinnnngggg"....that is a direct quote. So when Mommy had a plate full of yummy things including something new, he was a happy boy. This was such a hit that I caught him licking the plate. Seriously. I'm not joking. When it comes to the lunchbox, it's hard for me to send apple slices b/c they brown so quickly and it's hard for him to eat a whole apple since loosing so many teeth, lol. So instead I spread some on a few graham crackers, put them together and he gets "cookie sandwiches". With a thumbs up and "blog" he let me know I needed to share this w/ all of you. I hope your kids enjoy it as much as he did....plate licking and all.

Sugared Cheese Dip

8 oz. cream cheese, softened
3/4 c. packed light brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla

In a medium bowl mix all w/ an electric mixer until creamy and combined. Chill. Serve w/ fresh fruit, graham crackers, vanilla wafers, etc.

Shared on Home Savvy A to Z Oct. 10, 2011
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Oct. 10, 2011
Shared on Naptime Creations Oct. 11, 2011
Shared on Chef in Training Oct. 11, 2011
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Oct. 11, 2011
Shared on Celebrating Family Oct. 11, 2011
Shared on Hugs & Cookies Oct. 12, 2011
Shared on This Chick Cooks Oct. 12, 2011
Shared on Lady Behind the Curtain Oct. 12, 2011
Shared on Lark's Country Heart Oct. 12, 2011
Shared on Something Swanky Oct. 13, 2011
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  1. I've seen a recipe similar to this and I've been wanting to try it. I never seem to have apples on hand though and I really want to serve it with apples. I will pin this to try next time I get out of the house to shop. :)


  3. thanks so much for linking up to Tasty Tuesday! can't wait to see what you'll bring this week.


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