Friday, October 7, 2011

Light The Night....

Sunday September 25, 2011 was a special night in our house. It was the night my husband Adam was walking in our local Light The Night walk benefiting the Leukemia Society. This organization has been absolutely wonderful to our family over the past few months, especially to Adam. They have answered questions, offered support, information, and guided us through this journey of being a family dealing w/ a loved one fighting leukemia and being a stem cell donor. Adam decided a long time ago this was something he wanted to do to in honor of his brother, Matt, helping the LLS. Matt is recovering so well and we know it's a miracle from God, and the money raised helps the LLS assist another family receive their miracle. Alex and I wanted to be there supporting him and cheering him on, but alas, it was a school night and the little guy's well being comes first. Luckily, Adam's dad was able to go w/ him, meet the team Adam helped organize and participate in the walk also. It was a chilly, rainy evening in Fort Wayne, and since I couldn't go along, I knew there was one thing this Everyday Mom could do to support the men---send them off w/ hot meal so they were full to walk those 2 miles. So I filled a thermos w/ piping hot Buffalo Chili, threw in some crackers for dipping and just needed a dessert. A fall dessert on  fall evening, for a walk downtown in the fall weather--how more perfect could I get? Plus frosting? Added bonus! To me, the cake, cookie, etc, is only a vessel to get the frosting in my mouth! Adam said the whole meal really hit the spot, and my father in law loved the dessert! It was just what they needed--a warm meal in their stomachs so they could walk and honor Matt and all the others fighting the fight, supporting those who have and beat the odds, or remembering those who haven't been as lucky as us. I am so happy w/ the dollars Adam raised, but more so I'm proud of the support he is offering his brother, and so many others just by taking a few extra steps!

Apple Pecan Maple Bars

3/4 c. firmly packed brown sugar
1/4 c. butter, melted
1 TBS cinnamon extract
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
3/4 c. flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 c. chopped pecans
1/2 c. finely chopped Gala apple
Cinnamon for garnish


1 can Whipped Buttercream Frosting (I used Betty Crocker)
1 tsp. maple extract

Mix extract into frosting until well blended.

Preheat oven to 350. In a medium mixing bowl, combine sugar, butter and extracts until well blended. Add egg. Add flour and baking powder and mix well. Stir in apples and pecans. Spread into a greased 8x8 baking pan. (I used cooking spray w/ flour) Bake 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool on wire rack and cut into squares, and frost if desired. (I found these are easiest frosted after cut) Garnish w/ cinnamon.

Shared on Jane Deere Oct. 7, 2011
Shared on Mangoes and Chutney Oct. 7, 2011
Shared on Sweet As Sugar Cookies Oct. 8, 2011
Shared on Six Sisters' Stuff Oct. 8, 2011
Shared on Home Savvy A to Z Oct. 10, 2011
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Oct. 10, 2011
Shared on Naptime Creations Oct. 11, 2011
Shared on Chef in Training Oct. 11, 2011
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Oct. 11, 2011
Shared on Hugs & Cookies Oct. 12, 2011
Shared on A Healthy Jalapeno Oct. 19, 2011
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  1. Yum, my family will love these!

  2. Looks good! I gave you an award. When you get a chance, view my latest post. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing that wonderful story and this delicious recipe! Looks yummy!

  4. Oh my goodness- these look so good! And I loved your story- what a neat thing to be a part of! We hope that you will come back and share more at our link party next week- you seriously always have the yummiest recipes. :)
    Have a great weekend!
    Camille @

  5. Wow! These look sooo good! Must make these soon! Thanks for sharing!
    Stephanie @


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