Friday, October 14, 2011

I *Heart* Pinterest

Are you on Pinterest yet? Well, it's a new obsession of mine. For those of you who aren't, let me explain. It is best described as an online bulletin board or as I like to call it, an online scrapbook. You know how it is, you surf the Internet finding new recipes to try, ideas on home decor, craft projects, etc, and you either download page after page to your hard drive or you have tons of pieces of scrap paper laying around your house w/ them. Pinterest saves you all that time! You copy and paste a link to your "board" and it's saved--that simple. You can have board after board w/ different categories (for example, I have my blog recipes, recipes to try, craft ideas) all organized and waiting on you when you have time to come back to them. It saves you time, space and a migraine when you can't find something you wanted to try 3 months ago and now have no clue where you saw it. The minute I saw this on someone else's board I knew I had to "repin" it. (That's another great feature. You can simply pin something someone else has already found!) My monkey loves fruit dip and like his mommy, he is a Nutella fiend! Seriously, we could go through a jar a week if I didn't curb our intake! So I knew he would love this as a treat the day after winning a Bronze Medal in sparring at his first Taekwondo tournament!!! We were SO proud and I wanted the "day after lunch" to have a little something extra from Mommy to him. He instantly loved it and has requested be made again, and often! If you haven't joined Pinterest yet, I highly recommend it, and while you're there, look me up!

Nutella Fruit Dip

1 5.30 oz Oikos Vanilla Greek Yogurt
1/4 c. plus 1 tsp Nutella spread (I did this to taste)

In a small mixing bowl, combine both the yogurt and Nutella. You might have to warm the Nutella a bit to make it mixable. Chill. Serve w/ fresh fruit, graham crackers, etc.

Shared on Six Sisters' Stuff Oct. 15, 2011
Shared on Sweet As Sugar Cookies Oct, 15, 2011
Shared on Everyday Sisters Oct. 16, 2011
Shared on Home Savvy A to Z Oct. 17, 2011
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Oct. 17, 2011
Shared on Naptime Creations Oct. 18, 2011
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  1. I'm on Pinterest, its addicting! I'm going to find you! :) I love, love, love Nutella. I have several jars in my pantry now. I eat it every day! Love this dip, yum!

  2. Pinterest is the best idea ever! I wish I'd thought of it.

  3. easy and my daughter will love it (she loves anything with Nutella!)


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