Monday, September 5, 2011

Missing: One Beer Bottle

I know you can share in this story w/ me. You go to make supper, you think you have everything you need, and *gasp*  you are missing one ingredient. One. How annoying. And especially for someone like me who plans meals so far in advance so I can go shopping and get exactly what I need for the week. For me, it's usually that one item I am sure I have enough of only to find out, nope--I'm out. But this is also the reason I currently have 3 bottles of cider vinegar in my house :) One in the fridge and 2 in the pantry b/c twice now I've thought "Oh I'm almost out of that" forgetting I have In the case of this meal, I have to say I blame my husband. (Isn't it nice when we can say that, wives, and have an actual reason for it??!!) I don't pay much attention to how much alcohol is in my house. I don't cook w/ a lot of it, and we aren't huge drinkers. Yes, there are a few mixed drinks in the fridge for when Mommy has had a bad day, and some beer for Adam to enjoy on a hot day, or with a good grilled steak. For the most part though, the alcohol "stash" is Adam's department. So when it was time to make barbecue beef sandwiches I reached in the fridge for the bottle of beer needed, and NO beer. Yeah, no big deal, just run to the market or liquor store, right?? Well, these cook in the crock pot all day, have to be started by 9am, and I didn't think it was appropriate to write a note to Alex's teacher (of 3 days) saying: "Please excuse Alex for being late. Mommy needed beer". Not the impression I wanted to make the first week of school :) So instead I visited one of my favorite sites, and found a simple, easy substitute w/ only 4 ingredients, all of which I had! Now I have 2 great recipes for the same kind of sandwich--- I guess we can call one "drunk" and one "sober".

Barbecue Beef Sandwiches

3 lb. beef chuck roast
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
Salt and pepper to taste
18 oz. barbecue sauce (I use Jack Daniels)

Trim roast and place in crock pot. Season w/ garlic, onion, salt and pepper. Rub to coat. Pour in barbecue sauce. Cook on low 6-8 hours. Take out meat and shred w/ forks. Return to crock pot and cook 1 more hour.

Shared on Jam Hands Sept. 5, 2011
Shared on Home Savvy A to Z Sept. 5, 2011
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Sept. 5, 2011
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Sept. 6, 2011
Shared on Chef in Training Sept. 6, 2011
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Sept. 7, 2011
Shared on Recipes For My Boys Sept. 8, 2011
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  1. Actually, root beer makes a great substitute (ginger, lots of root vegetables). Or, it would change the taste, but red wine would work.

    And speaking for all husbands, if it's your contribution to the family to stock the pantry, I would say it's your obligation to have a beer around when he wants one... but that's just me, with the safety of miles of distance separating us !!!

    Oh, and Alex's teacher teaches a room full of 5-6 year olds... She would more than understand


  2. I love this recipe! I like the idea of pulled pork, but I think pork is gross. I never thought to use a chuck roast instead. I will try this. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Yummy! I will do something similar to this with chicken breast and it turns out great!

  4. Ooo, this looks easy AND delicious. My kind of meal. Will try!!!

    Found you on the Tasty Tuesday blog hop.

  5. MMMMMMM!!!! Thank you so much for sharing on Recipes For My Boys Thursday's Treasures! <3 and Hugs!


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