Monday, September 19, 2011

Have Faith

" ....If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."  Matthew 17:20. This verse is featured in one of Alex's Children's CDs of Bible Songs and it always makes me smile. Do you realize how small mustard seeds are?? And if that little bit of faith allows us to move mountains.....Wow! So when I was getting ready to try a new chicken recipe w/ mustard.....this popped in my head! "Just have faith Krista, and it will turn out yummy." And what do you know?? It absolutely did! I have said it a thousand times before (okay, maybe 999) and I will say it again....we can all use more chicken recipes. And a lot of times, my use of chicken over and over is b/c our local supermarkets almost always have it on sale. I do try to find new ways of preparing though, and most of the time I have a taste in mind. This time---honey mustard. When I get chicken fingers in a restaurant, a lot of times I ask for honey mustard to dip in, but I've never made a version at home. No specific reason why, but that's all changed now that I have this in my recipe box. Now when you read the recipe you might notice the 2 ingredients that made me say "what" and "really" but I promise they work well, and much to  my surprise can't really be tasted at all. My guess is they were added for moisture purposes and a little "tang". It was delicious and definitely one I'll be using again!! Just have a little faith........

Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken from

1/3 c. Dijon mustard
1/4 c. honey
2 TBS mayo
1 tsp steak sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste
Boneless chicken of your choice (I used tenders)
Parsley, for garnish, optional

Preheat grill for medium heat. Combine mustard, honey, mayo, steak sauce and salt and pepper. Set aside a small amount for basting later. Dip chicken in remaining sauce to coat. Lightly oil the grill (I used cooking spray) . Grill chicken over indirect heat for 18-20 minutes, turning occasionally. Indirect heat is VERY important. With the sugar in the honey, burning can happen very easily. During the last 10 minutes, baste chicken and watch carefully. Garnish w/ parsley.

Shared on Chef in Training Sept. 20, 2011
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Sept. 20, 2011
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  1. I always ask for honey mustard too! :) I make chicken often and I look forward to trying this! It looks delicious!

  2. Lovely post! Such a great reminder of the power of faith. Love honey mustard, too!


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