Thursday, September 8, 2011

For My Boys

We all have to compromise in life. I will admit, this is something I'm not the best at, but I do try!! When it comes to food in our house I really attempt to make different things to appeal to all of us. Now this is pretty easy since all 3 of us are NOT picky eaters. Yes we all have likes and dislikes, and of course our favorites, but for the most part we'll pretty much eat anything :) But if I want a 100% guarantee to put a smile on Adam and Alex's faces.....I make sure the dish includes raspberries. They LOVE them. Red, black, fresh, frozen, pie, cobbler, syrup, jam....all of them are on the top of their favorite list. And this is where the compromise part comes in. Of all the fruits in the world, raspberries are not one of mine. I like them, they are good to eat in certain things, but that's good for me. I would much rather have a strawberry or blueberry. One of the reasons?? Those tiny seeds!! They get caught in my teeth and annoy me, what can I say?! So when I saw this in a Jiffy cook book (the baking mix, not the peanut butter) I knew my boys would flip over them. This was another cook book we came across that once belonged to Great Aunt Esther; and that made it only more appropriate b/c when Adam used to visit her, she was sure to be stocked up on raspberry jam and sherbet just for him! They are super easy, and w/ the crumb topping, even I enjoyed them :) Compromise is easy when it's for someone you love.....and even easier when it's served w/ whipped cream on top :)

Raspberry Bars

5 TBS butter or margarine, softened
1 box Jiffy Raspberry Muffin Mix
1/4 c. rolled oats
1/4 c. chopped pecans
1/2 c. raspberry jam or preserves

Preheat oven to 350. Grease an 8" square pan. (I use cooking spray w/ flour). Combine first 4 ingredients. Mix w/ fork until crumbly. Set aside 1/4 cup of crumb mixture. Press remaining crumb mixture on bottom of prepared pan. Spread jam/preserves on top to within 1/2" from the edge of pan. Sprinkle reserved crumb mixture over filling. Bake 24-28 minutes (mine took about 30) or until lightly browned. Cool completely and cut into bars. Serve w/ whipped cream if desired.

Shared on It's A Keeper Sept. 8, 2011
Shared on Around My Family Table Sept. 8, 2011
Shared on Something Swanky Sept. 8, 2011
Shared on Simply Sweet Home Sept. 9, 2011
Shared on Mangoes & Chutney Sept. 9, 2011
Shared on Sweet as Sugar Cookies Sept. 10, 2011
Shared on The Saturday Evening Pot Sept. 12, 2011
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Sept. 12, 2011
Shared on Sweetology Sept. 13, 2011
Shared on Home Savvy A to Z Sept. 13, 2011
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  1. love thumbing through these old books. the sociology of these books is interesting. They came out at the time when girls were first taught that there was more to learn than cooking. my Mother had a big stack of these books !

  2. That sounds like a really good recipe. I know, I hate those stupid seeds too - as a matter of fact, as I type this, I just made a smoothie that has frozen raspberries in it. Of course it is laden with seeds, I just don't get it. Thank you for linking to Fat Camp Friday. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. These look delicious and sound so easy to make!

  4. These look so good! And I love that they are easy to make!

  5. Just made these today to send to my college boy tucked in with some iced sugar cookies. They are super yummy! I like the texture of the seeds...but not lots, so I mixed seedless jam with Simply Fruit that had seeds to get the 1/2 cup I needed. That worked great!


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