Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Family Connections: (Guest Blogger)

In May 2010 when I decided to dive into the deep end of the pool, so to speak, and begin blogging it was b/c of the encouragement and support of my friends and family. "Krista- you are always cooking something wonderful. I would love to read your recipes. You should start a recipe blog". Those were just a few of the countless things I heard over and over. And while there were many on that list of supporters, one at the very top of it was my cousin, and friend, Tricia. Tricia has been my cousin for 30 years, but I have to admit it's only been in the last 7 or 8 years I can say she is one of my dearest friends. Maybe it was b/c she was a little older than me, or b/c we have always lived 300+ miles apart, or maybe it was simply we had to "grow up" before we realized we had SO much in common! She is also a wife and a stay at home mother, loves to cook and we have kind of become two peas in a pod :) I'm so blessed and thankful to have her in my every day life now (Thank you Facebook), and to have her here today to share a recipe w/ you. Oh, and if you haven't figured it out yet, my cousin Tricia, is the same Tricia from Recipe Roundup---another fantastic blog you need to check out, bookmark and go back to daily!

Hello Everyday Mom's Meals Fans! I am so excited and honored that Krista asked me to do a guest post! I know we keep mentioning it but again, for those who are not aware, your Everyday Mom is my cousin! We have many fond memories of times spent together, but I think being in the blogging community together is some of the best times we've had yet!

I am an on-the-go, stay-at-home mom to a very active 3 1/2 year old little boy and wife to my husband and my best friend of  almost 8 years. I raised raised in the country and continue to live in the country- I'm a country girl, what can I say! I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, reading, crafting and hiking. 

The recipe I am sharing with you today is one that I recently made as a light lunch to share with family that was visitng. It was a hit with them and I hope you enjoy it also!
Bruschetta Salad
1 Can Diced Tomatoes with Basil, Garlic & Oregano
 1/2-1 C Italian Dressing
1/2 C Slivered Onion
1/2 C Shaved Parmesan Cheese
4-5 Bocconcni, diced
1/2 # day old bread, toasted
2 Tbsp butter, margarine

Melt butter in skillet. Cut bread into cubes and toast 3-5 mintues. Drain  tomatoes and pour into a large bowl. Cut bocconcni into quarters and add to the tomatoes. Add onion and bread cubes and toss. Sprinkle with shaved parmesan cheese. Serve immediately

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  1. OMG... I just made Tricia's Spaghetti pie LAST NIGHT (cue the Twilight Zone music)! She indeed has a terrific blog. My early morning is always spent checking in on my blog list and then I settle in with the first hour of "Good Morning America and write up my posts. I had planned something else, but now I feel the forces of the Universe urging me to post my version of Tracie's spaghetti Pie...

    BTW... I know the Recipe Roundup blog and have it on my easy to find list. But i did click on your link and for some reason it is broken.

    I had no idea you were friends and family... ain't blogging fun!!!

  2. Thanks for the head's up. Fixing now. Yep, she's great. Cousins by family, friends for life!

  3. Aw shucks...you two know how to make a girl blush first think in the morning!

    @ Chef- I'm so glad you liked the pie! Thanks for the kind words!

    @ Krista- Very sweet sentiments, thank you! I'm glad I could do this for you today (of all days). I don't know what else to say other than I love you bunches and bunches! xoxo

  4. I love brushetta-I have only had it in restaurants though-this looks and sounds yummy and easy to make so I will be trying it-thanks for being a guest today-Karen


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