Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Around The World

For those who are lucky enough to have many stamps on their passport, I salute you! Traveling around the world and seeing all the wonderful places, meeting new people and experiencing exotic cuisines is something I hope to do one day, but for now, I don't even own a passport! It's okay, don't be sad for me. I can be transported anywhere I desire to be, all within the 4 walls of my kitchen and w/ skillet and spatula in tow. That's right, I use food to take me to the places of my wildest dreams. Rather it be take me "home" to my parents, or to some far away land, I can travel 7 days a week if I want. Or more so, if I have the energy! I love to have complete dinners dedicated to one are of the world--Mexico, Italy, China, Germany, etc. However, one thing I had never tried my hand at was making fried rice at home, until now. Alex loves pot stickers and he asked to have them for supper one night, and I figured what better side dish to go with! Now I will fully admit, I take help from the store and buy them in the frozen section (Tae Pei makes some really good ones), but I like to serve something homemade to make up for it! I found this super easy basic recipe and love the fact I can add to it if I have more time or keep it simple b/c it's yummy just the way it is. No need for a suitcase, no need to pack, you can take a trip in the comfort of your own kitchen!

Fried Rice Adapted from

4 c. cold cooked brown rice (I did this in the morning and kept in fridge all day)
2 green onions, chopped
1 tsp salt
Pepper to taste
4 TBS vegetable oil
3 TBS soy sauce
2 large eggs

Lightly beat the eggs w/ salt and pepper. Heat an electric skillet to 350. Add 2 TBS oil. When oil is hot, add eggs. Cook, stirring, until they are lightly scrambled but not too dry. Remove the eggs and clean out skillet. Add remaining 2 TBS oil. Add rice. Stir-fry for a few minutes, using a wooden spoon to break it apart. Stir in soy sauce, green onions and eggs. Cook until heated through.

Shared on This Chick Cooks Aug. 10, 2011
Shared on Lark's Country Heart Aug. 10, 2011
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Aug. 10, 2011
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Aug. 11, 2011
Shared on Around My Family Table Aug. 11, 2011
Shared on Prairie Story Aug. 11, 2011
Shared on Mangoes and Chutney Aug. 12, 2011
Shared on It's A Keeper Aug. 12, 2011
Shared on Jam Hands Aug. 15, 2011
Shared on Everyday Sisters Oct. 23, 2011

Featured on Everyday Sisters Oct. 30, 2011
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  1. I agree with you completely that this is so easy to make and makes a really tasty accompaniment. I also love the fact that you try to have complete meals inspired by different countries.

  2. I never did understand the people who chose white rice when this is available. Wonderful post!

  3. Krista, Good call to get the brown rice goin' ahead of time and holding it in the fridge until making it into fried rice. I'll never forget the first time I made brown rice to find out it's quite a bit longer to cook than white. Your dish makes me feel like I'm dining in an asian restaurant!

  4. I use fried rice as a way to get rid of small amounts of leftovers. I chop up that left over chicken tender or chicken breast or pork chop into small bits, add those mixed veggies left over (or some frozen in a bag work too). A good way to add protein and veggies to a yummy dish and strech the budget a bit further. Love fried rice!

  5. Krista, thank you so much for taking the time to link up to "Made it on Monday". Your Fried rice sound great!

  6. This is my favorite fried rice recipe - I LOVE :)

  7. I love the idea of using food to travel around the world. Thanks for linking to Fat Camp Friday, see you next week!

  8. We just love fried rice and your recipe looks great! Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday!
    See you soon,
    Miz Helen


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