Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Almost Too Pretty

So I'm flipping through the pages of a very old issue of Everyday with Rachael Ray- seriously, I think it was from 2007- and I come upon a picture of a dessert that was so pretty, so appetizing I broke my cardinal rule about tearing pages out of magazines. (Yes, I'm one of those people who don't like my magazines tore up, or the pages of my books dog-earred). But it was late at night, I was comfy in bed, and I did not want to make the oh SO long walk to the kitchen for a recipe card. Okay, it's only down the hall, but I was tired enough it seemed like a 10K walk! It's just one of those desserts that when you serve it up it's almost too pretty to eat....almost. Let's face it, dessert is for eating, not for looking and that is what photos are for! I can always come back to this post and see how pretty it was before we devoured it. Pineapple, strawberries, vanilla---what more can I say? What more do I have to say? Nothing, right. You are as excited as I was. This recipe comes from Dole, aka the pineapple people. If they say it's good, then it has to be! As far as summer desserts go, I think this would be a show stopper at the next barbecue, pool party or family reunion (Labor Day is coming.....hint hint). It's one of those that when you take it out of the fridge little birdies sing and butterflies fly around (That's for you Brandie) So if you want to impress your family, and make them think you slaved away all day on something so beautiful (Really?? 10 minutes, tops) try this out and remember to take a picture so when it's gone in the blink of an eye, you can remember just how pretty it was!

Angel Lush Cake w/ Pineapple

1 20 oz can crushed pineapple, undrained
1 small box instant vanilla pudding (the 4 serving size)
1 c. Cool Whip
1 10 oz  Round Angel Food Cake (pre bought or made)
Fresh berries of your choice (I used strawberries)

Slice cake horizontally into 3 pieces, so you have 3 circles. In a large bowl, combine pineapple and pudding. Gently fold in Cool Whip. Let stand 5 minutes. Place bottom layer of cake on a platter.  Spread 1 1/3 c. on pudding mix on 1st cake layer. Top w/ middle layer. Spread 1 c. of pudding mix on, and then add top layer of cake. Spread remaining pudding mix on top and add fresh berries. Refrigerate to set, and any leftovers.

~Come see me on Formula Mom for Tasty Tuesday~

Shared on Chef in Training Aug. 30, 2011
Shared on Sweetology Aug. 30, 2011
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Aug. 30, 2011
Shared on Celebrating Family Aug. 30, 2011
Shared on Naptime Creations Aug. 30, 2011
Shared on Hugs & Cookies Aug. 30, 2011
Shared on Lady Behind the Curtain Aug. 31, 2011
Shared on This Chick Cooks Aug. 31, 2011
Shared on Lark's Country Heart Aug. 31, 2011
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Sept. 1, 2011
Shared on Around My Family Table Sept. 1, 2011
Shared on Something Swanky Sept. 1, 2011
Shared on Sweet as Sugar Cookies Sept. 3, 2011
Shared on Six Sisters Stuff Sept. 3, 2011
Shared on Everyday Sisters Sept. 4, 2011
Shared on Gooseberry Patch Sept. 7, 2011

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  1. wow... great look of course, but pineapple in angel food just sounds terrific!

  2. look so yummy.I feel like tasting it....

  3. Wow does that look amazingly delicious. My husband would love this. Come over and visit us today. We have a wonderful low fat pimento cheese recipe this week.


  5. This recipe looks amazing! Please join in on the fun and come over to Cast Party Wednesday tomorrow to share this tasty recipe with us.
    I hope to see you there!

  6. This is making my mouth water! It sounds and looks so good. Stopping by from Family Time Blog Hop!


  7. This looks so good! I can't wait to make this recipe, we will really enjoy it. Hope you have a wonderful holiday week end and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  8. what a beautiful and yummy looking cake! Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!


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