Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thanks Bob

Nope, for those of you who know me and think I'm talking about my father-in-law, I'm not. This time I'm talking Evans, Bob Evans. That's right, the down home restaurant that has grown to be in almost every city in America. In 1997 I was hired as a hostess/waitress at a brand new one opening here in Fort Wayne. It was my first job, and little did I know what a big part of my life it would become.

First of all, I had a very defining moment of my 30 years on this earth, in those 4 walls. February 14, 1998, thirteen days before my 17th birthday a man walked in, held a gun to my head 2 times and proceeded to hold many of my co-workers and customers hostage. We were all spared that day, but needless to say, it's an experience that stays with you forever.

Secondly, I basically grew up while working there for over 5 years. I graduated high school, worked my way through college, got engaged, graduated with a degree and finally quit when I got my first job using that degree! It was a sad day when I walked out of that restaurant for the last time as an employee, but I knew I would someday be taking my family there for an affordable home style meal. And what do you know--it has become one of Alex's favorite places to eat!

Personally I think it's because their kids meals are pretty big in portion and he does love his food! For Adam and I one of our favorite things to get there, rather it be for breakfast, brunch or supper, is their biscuits and gravy. Unlike other versions of this classic, theirs is sausage based and even has sweet overtones. While Adam is a fan of many kinds, this is his favorite and it is the only "breakfast" gravy I enjoy. So how thrilled was I when the company finally released the recipe on their website? Very. I don't know what made them share it, but thank goodness they did! (I'm serious. When I worked there, it was a TOP SECRET that nobody would tell). And now that I've seen the recipe, I think it's funny I could never figure it out on my own. Easy is an understatement! Now we can enjoy this classic favorite any time we want and I can always remember my first job, all the amazing people I worked with, and miss to this day, and be returned to my youth if only for one meal.

Copy Cat Bob Evans Sausage Gravy
1 lb. Bob Evans Original Sausage
1/4. c. flour
2 cups milk
Salt and pepper to taste
8 prepare biscuits

In a large stock pot or skillet brown sausage. (I sprayed a little non stick spray on mine). Do not drain! Add in flour and cook for 1 minute until combined. Slowly add in milk. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and simmer until thick and a light brown color.

Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage July 28, 2011
Shared on It's A Keeper July 28, 2011
Shared on Around My Family Table July 28, 2011
Shared on Amee's Savory Dish July 29, 2011
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Aug. 1, 2011
Shared on Jam Hands Aug. 1, 2011
Shared on Celebrating Family Aug. 2, 2011


  1. I totally remember that happening back in '98. I never knew anyone that worked there at the time though. How scary! So glad you and everyone else there was ok.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe, my family loves their bisquits and gravy.

  2. What a great post. Sounds like you have made a wonderful life and family after such a harrowing experience. We love Bob too. We have one in our area and go occasionally. Love the biscuits and gravy. Thanks for sharing it. Come over and visit us today. We have a great easy sorbet recipe.

  3. Hi Krista,
    WoW what a journey you have had. This is a great post, and that gravy looks like it would sure be a hit here. I can't wait to try it with some hot biscuits. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you again real soon. Hope you are having a great week!
    Miz Helen

  4. We miss living where there are Bob Evans restaurants. But, hubby makes a mean sausage gravy for Sunday brunch on occasion.

    Visiting from the Family Time blog hop. You can find our family at

  5. Any suggestions on how to replicate the Golden Brown Home Fries ?

    1. Yep! Make these!

  6. I have always liked Bob Evans, especially their gravy. When I go for breakfast at other restaurants those places gravy just doesn't measure up.
    However, I have had a couple of bad experiences at our local Bob Evans and quit going there for breakfast, but I will still go there for lunch or dinner.
    I was working in Dayton. Ohio a few years ago and ate at Bob Evans fairly often and got friendly with one of the waitresses. What I remember about her is that she told me that she had been working at that Bob Evans for 26 years. That still amazes me.

    1. Hi Chaz! That’s awesome and I believe it! I worked there for 5 years and a lady I worked with had almost 25 years in at that time too! They are a great company to work for and after being gone for 16 years there are still days I miss it!


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