Monday, July 4, 2011

Red, White & Blue

July 4th--the "main" holiday of summer. Pool parties, barbecues, family reunions, fireworks, picnics, all of these come to my mind when I think of Independence Day. But more so I try really hard to remember all of those men and women over the years who have given their lives so that I can say independence is mine. The countless of families that have been apart on all holidays so that my family can celebrate together on the 4th of July and every other day. The lessons of freedom, and what it means I try to teach my son and remind him of every year when his eyes light up at the notion of sparklers in the back yard and fireworks in the sky. George Washington himself would be proud of this pie I'm bringing to you this holiday. This would be something I would make for my family, or a party, but would not be the first thing I would think to make for myself. See, I'm not a huge JELLO fan. Ever since I had to eat it as a kid while I was sick and, let's just say, we didn't get along much, it hasn't been on the top of my favorites list. JELLO shots? Well, they are another story. LOL Alex and Adam however love the squishy wiggly stuff. And I have to admit, when I saw this on Kraft's website in their holiday section, not only did it scream July 4th to me, it did look appetizing. Maybe after 25 years I'm ready to jump back onto the JELLO wagon. Maybe it's just b/c it's so pretty. Either way, this pie is patriotism in a picture and would be a great while sitting around the pool or to finish off a meal of ribs, corn and all other bbq favorites. However you are spending Independence Day this year, may it be safe and fun in every way. And may we all take a minute, look w/in our hearts and remember why we are able to enjoy this day w/ loved ones--b/c of the selflessness and bravery of so many of our fellow Americans throughout the generations whose legacy is this great nation of ours. God Bless America!!

Patriotic Pie

1 1/2 c. boiling water, divided
1 3 oz. pkg. Berry Blue Jello
1 c. ice cubes, divided
1 6 oz. ready made graham cracker crust
1 3 oz. pkg. Strawberry Jello, or any red flavor
1 c. Cool Whip, thawed

Add 3/4 c. boiling water to blue jello. Stir 2 minutes until completely dissolved. Add 1/2 c. ice cubes. Stir until melted. Pour into crust. Refrigerate 5-10 minutes until set, but not completely firm. Meanwhile, repeat to dissolve red gelatin mix in separate bowl. Stir in remaining ice cubes. Cool 5 minutes until slightly thickened. Spread Cool Whip over blue gelatin layer. Cover w/ red gelatin. Chill 2 hours, or until set. Garnish w/ fresh seasonal berries just before serving.

Shared on Chef In Training July 5, 2011


  1. omg-I gotta try this-you should have posted this 2 days ago so I could have made it for the 4th Karen

  2. I would have had I not found it just yesterday. I didn't need a dessert for today so I wasn't even thinking about it:) But Labor Day is coming none too soon :)

  3. Yummy! Very festive. I did red-white and blue jello this year too, but I like the idea of a pie!

  4. Great idea! Plus, you can change the colors to make this dessert applicable to any holiday! Thanks for sharing!

  5. how cute! (the pie!)
    thanks for stopping by my blog and following back! have a great day!


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