Thursday, July 21, 2011

More of Summer's Best

It's been almost a year since I posted a recipe inspired by a trip my "boys" took to the Barr Street (Farmer's) Market here in Ft. Wayne and brought home fresh grown, fresh picked eggplant. Since then Alex requests  my Eggplant Parmesan about once a month. I'm happy to oblige him as long as I can find it as fresh looking as they did that day. And let's face it, in the middle of winter, that's not always possible at our local grocery stores. Ironically enough, last week at the store Alex and I saw eggplant that looked pretty good and I bought one. Where's the irony you ask? The next day they ventured to the market again only to find eggplant one of the few veggies available! Oh well. The one I got from the produce section really is one of the better ones I've seen outside a farmer's market/stand. Now what Alex doesn't know yet is that it's not going to be used in that dish he craves so much. Instead, I have a recipe I found and have been waiting to try since probably March! Lol I love planning meals based around all the beautiful things found in the garden during the summer months, and anything I can hollow out and stuff---yeah it's my friend! I think eggplant is one of the most underused veggies out there and it is a shame b/c it has wonderful flavor, sweet, and almost nut like depending on how it's prepared. Plus it's one of those foods that absorb flavors so easily, so it's a great way to experiment w/ different herbs, spices, rubs, marinates, etc. Earth provides us w/ so many beautiful options in the summer w/ all the fresh fruits and veggies, get out there and take advantage of it while you can!

Stuffed Eggplant Adapted from

1 Eggplant, halved lengthwise
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 c. olive oil, divided
1 lb. sweet Italian sausage (could use Portabella mushrooms instead, diced)
2 cloves garlic, minced or grated
1/2 c. chicken broth (could use veggie broth)
2 c. Italian bread crumbs
1/2 c. Parmesan cheese, divided
5 button mushrooms, finely diced

Preheat oven to 350. Scoop out flesh of the eggplant, chop and reserve. Coat shells w/ olive oil and season w/ salt and pepper; set aside. Heat 1/4 c. oil in large skillet over medium heat. Saute sausage and garlic until brown. Drain. Stir in reserved eggplant and mushrooms. Saute until a little soft and mushrooms have browned a bit. Season w/ salt and pepper. Pour in broth and cook 5 minutes. Add bread crumbs and 1/4 c. cheese. If mixture seems dry, stir in a little more broth. Stuff shells and sprinkle w/ Parmesan cheese. Bake for 30-40 minutes until tender. Serve w/ a simple green or Caesar salad.

*NOTE* The portion pictures was enough for Alex and I both. The next time I make this I'm going to try smaller eggplants for a more "personal" portion.

Shared on Around My Family Table July 21, 2011
Shared on It's A Keeper July 21, 2011

1 comment:

  1. I love eggplant. Unfortunately my husband doesn't so I have to wait until he's not around to make delicious dishes like this.


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