Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rainy Day Take Two

On Monday I shared w/ you a great edible creative outlet for kids on those days the showers won't stop and by noon Mommy is heading towards her "time out" spot just to get away! That idea got me thinking about this one. Last year when Alex was in preschool it was his turn to bring in snack the day of their Halloween party. I thought it was the perfect opportunity to make something really cute and spooky for the kids, but like many other schools these days, they didn't allow homemade treats. So to compromise I took in all the supplies and the kids got to make their own snack. OMGosh, did they have a good time. It was so funny to watch them, watching me demonstrate and see in their little eyes how cool they thought it was to be "cooking" all by themselves. They were a huge hit and I think they would be perfect for an activity for little hands to work on while mom is working in the kitchen or just wants something fun to pass the time. And what a reward--they get to eat their masterpiece. Halloween or a stormy summer day, these spooky spiders are "boo-tifully" delicious.

Peanut Butter Spiders

Ritz Crackers (you need 2 per snack)
creamy peanut butter
pretzel sticks
raisins, currants, craisins or M&Ms (we used raisins for a healthy snack, but M&Ms would be such a treat!)
sprinkles (Halloween colors or other)
plastic knife- so little hands can spread peanut butter

Spread peanut butter on both crackers and put together, peanut butter on inside. Place 2-4 pretzel sticks on each side making legs. (Sometimes only 2 will fit comfortably). Place a small dot of peanut butter on top of cracker and place 2 raisins for eyes. Spread a small amount of peanut butter on top cracker and place a few sprinkles for decorations. Eat and Enjoy!

Photo Courtesy of Kraft

Shared on Celebrating Family July 12, 2011


  1. cute idea and it sounds yummy too-Karen

  2. Great idea! Thanks for linking up on Family Time Tuesday. I am following you back! Be sure to come back next week. :)

    Celebrating Family

  3. Cute! I'll remember this for halloween time! In our house we'll be using sunflower seed butter though due to our son's severe peanut allergy.

  4. It will still work great! The kids will love them!!! They were a big hit at my son's preschool Halloween party!


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