Thursday, June 2, 2011

For My Daddy

Yes, I'm 30 and my dad is still my Daddy. Always will be. While my mom is my best friend, I'm a daddy's girl too. This is another recipe I found buried in the back of my newly organized recipe box and the second I saw it, I thought of him, and knew it had to be shared. Ham was always one of those "special occasion" meats in our house growing up. Special Sunday dinners, holidays--that's when ham was worth the trouble. And in our house ham didn't go on the table w/o a very special sauce on the side. A sauce my dad grew up having w/ ham and has a true LOVE for :) When I was little I never cared for it, but now as my palate has changed, I can understand why--I might not know why--but I understand it. It is just the perfect pairing. The flavor combination w/ the salty ham is a match made in heaven. I know there are a million glazes out there for ham, some I've used myself, and while this is used more as a dipping sauce, the orange flavor is very common in a variety of glazes, so maybe that's why--orange and ham are a happy marriage. But that still doesn't explain why the raisins work so perfectly. Oh well, some of the best things in life remain a mystery. But if you enjoy a glazed ham, try this for a change, and think of me, and my Daddy:)

Orange Raisin Sauce

1 c. water
1 c. orange juice
1 c. raisins
4 TBS sugar
2 TBS flour
1/4 tsp salt
dash of cloves

In a small saucepan, bring 1/2 c. water, juice and raisins to a boil. Dissolve the flour in other 1/2 c. of water and add to mixture. Add sugar, salt and cloves. Cook until thick.

*NOTE* If you half the recipe, still use full 2 TBS flour


  1. I forgot about this one too! I remember always having this at Grammy's when we had ham! Sure brings back lots of memories when we were all gathered around that table together!

  2. I know, and happy ones! I don't make it a lot, but when I remember I always smile:)


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