Monday, June 6, 2011

100 Strong

Thanks to you, my loyal, awesome readers, I've reached 100 "likes" on the Everyday Mom's Meals Facebook page. I am so excited w/ the direction the blog is going, and I am even more excited to see all the new faces of people reading my recipes and exploring this food journey w/ me. As promised, here is the new contest to celebrate #100!! The prize? A great "foodie" book:

From Amazon:
Bulging with information, this little book is a delightful celebration of food that will appeal to anyone who is fiercely dedicated to finding the finest, latest, rarest, and most delicious culinary knowledge. How To Be a Better Foodie serves up entertaining and informative morsels to satisfy even the most insatiable cravings, such as:
• Unusual delicacies—prawn shells, radish leaves, parmigiano reggiano rind and more
• The latest in culinary trends such as belly pork, wagyu beef, lotus root crisps, green tea iced meringue, and sousvide preparation
• International foodie pilgrimages and an almanac of seasonal delicacies

  With quizzes to test the reader’s foodie prowess, illustrations throughout, and page after page of compelling food facts, this book offers revelations for even the most advanced foodie as well as a wealth of tidbits for the eager novice.

I flipped through this before I bought it and it has so many little facts and interesting tidbits, I think any "foodie" new, or already schooled will enjoy it.

To Enter:

1.  "Like" the Everyday Mom's Meals Facebook Page. (The link is above to make it easy). And comment here you have done so. If you have already done this before now, that's ok, still comment here so I know you are one of those listed.

2.  Invite a friend to "like" the page, and have him/her post a comment on Facebook who sent them. If you did this before now, that's okay too, just be sure he/she posts NOW who referred them. This can be done multiple times, up to 5. So, if you refer 5 friends, and each posts on Facebook you sent them, that is 5 entries for you.

 The Rules:
  # 2 is an entry for the person referring. If the friend wants to be entered, he/she will have to do #1 or #2 on his/her own.

No previous posts eligible. If a referral posted once you sent him/her, have him/her do it again:) Only ones after this post will be counted!

So, that is up to 6 entries per person---have all your friends "like" our page and this neat little book could be yours!!

Contest Ends July 1, 2011


  1. Liked your Facebook page!

  2. I liked your Facebook page

  3. I have enjoyed reading your posts! Im glad you posted on nsb moms page!

  4. liked your page! referred friends! So excited !:)

  5. I am a fan of your facebook page...a great reminder to keep checking the website everyday. Emily

  6. A great way to spread your page. This book looks really interesting.


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