Thursday, May 19, 2011

Welcome to the Blogging World

I have many friends who blog, some started before me and inspired me, others have jumped on the band wagon since me and like me have found it to be very rewarding and worth while. The latest to join the world of "blog rolls" and "gadgets" is my cousin Tricia. She has come up w/ a great idea- a go to place for recipes, crafts and creative/helpful tips. In the 3 days she has been doing it, I've learned so much :) We're talking about eventually doing guest posts on each other blogs, which is very exciting! So some day when you click on here don't be surprised to find Trish teaching you something very crafty--and you'll know for sure it's no me b/c while I can cook you a good meal, making photo coasters from tile and mod podge just isn't something I excel at!! (Seriously, she made these recently--they are amazing! Check out how!) Please go check out her blog and support her in the way wonderful way you have me!


  1. Thanks so are so sweet and were my inspiration! Love you bunches!

  2. Aw, thanks hon! You're doing an awesome job so far and I can't wait to read and learn more! Love you too!


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