Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sea Salt Hand Scrub Take 2

Back in the fall, I shared a recipe I found (not eatable, take it) for a hand scrub made w/ sea salt to help my mother in law recreate one she had used on vacation. (September 20, 2010). Well, I believe her when she said it was amazing, but let's face it, until you try something yourself, you never really know for sure. The restaurant she had originally used it at happened to be the same one my sister in law's wedding reception was held- The Grille at the Riverview in New Smryna Beach, Fl. Let me tell you, and I'm not ashamed to admit this, I was in the bathroom off an on ALL NIGHT just so I could use their sea salt scrub!!! My hands have never been that smooth in my life. Plus, I hate sticky hands from left over residue from soap, lotion, hand sanitizer, etc; and this scrub cleaned them and made them feel fresh again w/ nothing left over. So I asked her if she had used that recipe I shared back in the fall and she in fact had, and loved it. She used coconut oil, since that is the scent they offered, and let's face it, when you're on the beach in sunny Fl, anything coconut scented is even better. Last night I decided I was going to try my hand at it too (ha! no pun inteded). But here is my confession: I'm cheap! I went to buy coconut oil and it is VERY expensive (she had warned me) and I just wasn't willing to spend the money. So I came up w/ the genius idea to use lemon extract instead. I love lemon scent, especially in soap, so why not! I wanted to store it in a crock, just like I do my cooking salt next to the stove. I ventured to Le Gourmet Chef  and it was my lucky night! I found the exact same crock on the clearance table, w/ an extra 50% off. Plus a small spoon, which I knew I needed, also on sale, for $1.18. I got both for the whopping total of $3.92!!! Then I got a huge box of kosher salt (I like Kosher better than sea b/c the granules are a little bigger) and a bottle of lemon extract on the baking aisle of Walmart for around $5. I told you, I'm cheap! I made my first batch last night and's exactly like the one in Fl, and the lemon scent is perfect. I've been using it all day and my hands already feel amazing. This will definitely be something I continue to make for myself long into the future. Pampered Mommy smiling :)

Sea Salt Hand Scrub

1 c. Kosher salt
1/2 c. olive oil
2-3 tsp lemon or coconut extract (This is a guess. I just poured it in until it smelled good to me)

Mix all together until well incorporated. Store in a ceramic/glass dish w/ a small spoon for scooping. Stir once in a while. Use on hands w/ warm water.

Shared on Celebrating Family July 26, 2011
Shared on Home Savvy Aug. 15, 2011

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  1. I found coconut extract at Kroger and Walmart last night, both for around $3, so for much less than coconut oil, I can make this scent too. I'm seriously thinking about this being the prize for the next giveaway (once I figure out how to bottle it to mail, if necessary). Thoughts?? Good idea? Would you, the readers enjoy this as a prize?

  2. I'm thinking this will make great end of year teacher gifts. Going to scour Goodwill for cute containers.

  3. I am doing a jar for Alex's teacher also! Great minds think alike! I got the 2 jars I have at Dollar Tree!!! And the heart dish I use I got at Le Gourmet Chef for $2!!

  4. I am absolutely going to make this! I love scrubs! Thank you so much for linking up at's Savvy HomeMade Monday this week!

  5. This post says "take 2" and you mention you posted a similar recipe previously. Was wondering what the original recipe was before I decide which version to try. Did a search of your blog but could not find the original post. I'm thinking Christmas gifts and I may want to make different recipes for each person.


  6. Here is the link to the original salt scrub recipe.

    And the post from today, Nov. 15th is a pumpkin pie spice sugar scrub is a great one too. Don't know if you saw it before the salt scrubs or not.


  7. Thanks for the link to the other recipe. I'm going to try it and the pumpkin pie one too...just a question though: the other recipe calls or rosemary oil. Could I just use an additional Tbsp of coconut oil? Do you think it would turn out the same as coconut oil is solid? Or would you just omit the rosemary? I'm just not a big fan of rosemary...I was thinking a little bit of pineapple extract would add to the lusciousness of it too...

  8. I would just omit it! The rosemary was one reason, while my MIL really liked that recipe, I wanted to find a different one, hence the 2nd choice :) Enjoy!

  9. Does it have to olive oil? Can you use another type of oil, like almond oil?

  10. I would say go for it! The original recipe called for coconut oil, I chose olive b/c I had it on hand. Play around w/ the amount until you get the consistency you like :)

  11. Krista I tried a similar recipe with olive oil and lemon zest but I could not get the lemon to over power the olive oil. I'm afraid to ruin another bath. Bought peppermint extract because I had tried a peppermint scrub from Arbonne and loved it. I'm just afraid what the combination of olive oil and peppermint is going to smell like.

  12. I've only ever used extracts b/c 1. they are cheaper and 2. I find the alcohol content in most of them, helps to take away the oil smell. Hope it works out for you!

  13. If you don't like the smell of olive oil, you can use sunflower oil, it has no smell and your scrub will only smell like your extract. You can find it on the baking isle too!!

  14. I too found a salt scrub in a restaurant in Florida. I have a lot of soap making materials on hand so used your recipe for the basic measurements. I started with sweet almond oil, sea salt, and rosemary extract (because it was my husband that really loved the scrub in FL). Because I also had some organic coloring on hand, I added some of that as well. This was SO simple to make and my husband is thrilled to have the scrub in his bathroom. I love how soft my hands are after using the scrub. I too will continue to make this for years to come and actually purchased plastic jars online for gift giving. Thanks for the recipe! I love it when I can make practical products at home, knowing the ingredients are only my choosing!

  15. I used Mineral Oil (1.48 at Walmart) which has no smell, kosher salt and almond extract. Thought about adding a little food coloring to make it pretty. Works great. Mineral Oil is a skin moisturizer and cheap so I decided to try it.

  16. That's awesome. I would love to try the mineral oil. Where did you find it at Walmart?

  17. i too tried that salt scrub in Destin at AJ's and it is wonderful. I too have tried to re-create it. I used cocont oil from walmart. In the cooking oil section (LuoAnns Coconot oil) added Medeteranian sea salt and some of my favorite scented lotion. Works really well and smells good!

  18. Salt scrubs are wonderful. I wonder if the one you tried in New Smyrna was by Florida Hand Salts. They make a wonderful coconut salt scrub that no matter how hard I try to recreated I just can't get it like theirs. :)

  19. This scrub is awesome. I have eczema on my hands and they always look horrible. I made up a batch of this and have been using it every day for a week. My hands look normal :) and feel amazing. Thank you!

  20. Thanks for this. just be careful using mineral oil as it can dry your skin out :)


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