Friday, February 18, 2011

Simple, Easy, Quick

Those are 3 words every busy wife and mother likes to hear when it comes time to put supper on the table. I don't care if you are working 40 hours in an office or if you are home all day w/ kids, laundry, dirt, dishes, etc, by the time the 6 o'clock hour rolls around, you just want a meal that is satisfying yet not a burden to make. As moms (and wives too) we are exhausted by the end of the day, and while most of us would love to pull a roast turkey out of the oven w/ all the trimmings to the "oohhhs and ahhhhs" of our families, it just isn't practical. This meal is a twist on an old favorite--who doesn't like a good taco. Go to any street fair, sporting event or even a school cafeteria and many times you will find these on the menu. I had them all the time as a kid for school lunch, but Adam never had one until after we were married when he went to a basketball game at the Coliseum. I was shocked when he came home and declared "I had the best thing to eat. I wish you could make them." What was he talking about?? A walking taco!!! I couldn't believe he was a "virgin" to the concept and ever since they have been one of our favorite quick suppers; and Alex loves them too. Traditionally, the idea of a walking taco is to serve everything right in the chip bag--hence, you can walk while you eat it-- but at home I serve them in more of a "salad" style, so while we are eating simply, we are still eating at the table, w/ plates, and forks. :)

Walking Tacos

1 bag corn chips
1 lb. ground beef, turkey, or buffalo
1 packet taco seasoning
1/4 head of lettuce, finely chopped
1 tomato, diced
1 c. shredded cheddar cheese
Toppings: Sour Cream, Black Olives, Guacamole, Salsa

In a skillet on medium heat, brown meat and drain fat. Add taco seasoning and water (per packet instructions) and simmer about 10 minutes. On each individual plate, put about a cup of corn chips, and a couple spoonfuls of the meat mixture. Add favorite toppings and enjoy!

Shared on Savannah's Savory Bites Aug. 3, 2011
Shared on This Chic Cooks Aug. 3, 2011
Shared on Lark's Country Heart Aug. 3, 2011
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Aug. 3, 2011

Thanks to Amy at Food Corner!


  1. what a funny idea... I have never heard of a walking taco, but that must be a huge kid favorite.

    Love sitting at the table but if I were 45 years younger (I'm a kid at heart though), I would love the walking version of this!!!

    Can't wait for the nieces and nephews to visit so i have an excuse to make a walking version of this

  2. I've made this a bunch of times before. It is super yummy :)

  3. I LOOVE this flavor combo...but have never made them myself. Hubs doesn't care for corn chips. =( You make it sound so inviting and easy. It's a must try for me one day soon. thanks -


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