Monday, January 10, 2011

Mr. Coneys, Please Mommy!!!

One of Alex's favorite things are hot dogs. But only recently was he willing to try a coney dog. Here is Fort Wayne, we have "Coney Island" and "Mr. Coney", both serving the same recipe. It's not surprising that once Alex tried one, he fell in love w/ them. I think it's in his blood. One b/c Adam and I both love them and two b/c when I was pregnant w/ Alex Mr. Coney hot dogs were one of the few things I craved. And I mean CRAVED. Each Sat night from about 7 months on, Adam would take me there for dinner and I would waddle in to find my meal ready for me--yes the servers would see us coming and have mine on the table before I even made it to the seat :-) So I think it was only a matter of time before Alex discovered his love for them. This recipe is one I want to try at home to recreate those same coney dogs, so we can enjoy them whenever, or where ever we want!

Coney Sauce
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1 clove garlic minced
2 TBS butter
1 lb. lean ground beef
2 TBS yellow mustard
2 TBS cider vinegar
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce
1 cup ketchup
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp chili powder

Saute the onions and garlic in butter. Add ground beef and break up until fine. Cook until brown and drain fat. Combine all other ingredients and mix well. Add to beef mixture. Stir well and heat. Let simmer for at least an hour. If dries out, add a little water, scrape bottom of pan to get pan drippings off and continue simmering.

Shared on Savannah's Savory Bites Aug. 3, 2011
Featured on The Country Cook as Guest Blog Aug. 10, 2011 
Shared on Gooseberry Patch Aug. 24, 2011
Shared on Make Ahead Meals May 28, 2012


  1. I just pre-made this for supper tonight. I did it so I can just reheat it at meal time. I have to say, it's pretty good. Not 100% the same as Mr. Coney, but pretty close! Yummy :)

  2. Well, those were a hit!!!! They are the closest thing to the "real deal" as we are going to find! And this recipe made so much that we topped 7 dogs and had enough left over to freeze!!

  3. So after a week of craving these I made them Friday for dinner. They were a hit! So much so that my sister and Matt came Sunday and I made them again!

  4. That's awesome! What a crowd pleaser:)

  5. Thanks for posting this on The Country Cook's facebook page! Your coney sauce looks fabulous! My dad makes something similar and we eat it on our dogs along with some slaw. Yummy!

  6. Sure! I just found your blog and am now following! Found some yummy things:)

  7. Just yummy! I love a good coney dog... gonna hang on to this recipe

  8. My coney sauce has cinnamon added to it YUM!! It's cincy style~

  9. Sounds wonderful! Can't wait to make Coney Sauce!! :)

  10. Hello sweet friend! I'm featuring this for my 100th week of Thursday's Treasures. Please stop by to share and enter the giveaway! <3 and hugs!

  11. Another one of your lovely recipes that I love. Those dogs look soooo good...and my hubs will be so grateful you shared this recipe when he enjoys them...again and again. Thanks.

  12. I just tried this yesterday and found it to be on the salty side and more of a sloppy joe concoction on the hot dog instead of a chili (which is what I was looking for). Thanks for sharing even though it didn't work out for me.

  13. Well, as far as the salty side, it only calls for salt and pepper "to taste" so I can't control how much is added. And if you were looking for a chili sauce, this is absolutely NOT the recipe you wanted. The post talks about how coney sauce is NOTHING like chili sauce and that's why we like it so much. Sorry it didn't work out for you, but it sounds like you were going for something totally different than what coney sauce is supposed to be.

  14. What type of hot pepper sauce should be used? Tabasco?

    1. That’s usually what I have on hand, so yes. But really any kind you like!


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