Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bridal Shower Part 2

Another great recipe today from Char's wonderful shower. Now, I have to be truthful, I actually didn't eat this dish, but it wasn't because it didn't look FABULOUS! The only reason I didn't try it was I was wearing a white shirt, and well, anything w/ tomatoes and me in a white....not a good mix. However, it smelled delicious and others that did eat it said it was fantastic! I'm actually going to make it next week for supper and serve it w/ grilled burgers!

Spaghetti Salad
16 oz vermicelli or spaghetti
16 oz bottle Italian dressing
1 large red onion chopped
2 tomatoes diced
1 large cucumber diced
2 3/4 oz "McCormicks" brand "Salad Supreme"

Cook pasta according to directions. (Break into thirds before adding to boiling water) Drain and rinse well w/ cold water until cool. Put pasta in large bowl. Immediately add remaining ingredients and mix well to avoid pasta from sticking together.

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