Thursday, May 13, 2010

Here I Go.......

Well, enough people have asked or suggested I do this, so I figured it was about time I listened :-)

I enjoy sharing/swapping recipes so much and have been posting them on Facebook long enough to know that others enjoy it as much as I do.

Now here is the first warning....there will not be some great meal planned every day! Let's face it, busy moms are in high demand these days and I, like the next one, enjoy ordering take out or throwing some chicken nuggets in the oven at the end of a long day. But for the most part, a weeknight meal is something I plan each day.

For the second warning.....I am not responsible for recipes that don't turn out, children or husbands that don't enjoy them, or ones that are loved so much the neighbors smell it and come running!!!!

So check back whenever you can to see what's cooking @ the Marshall house and maybe it might be something you want to try at your house too!


  1. Wow Krista.....good job! I can't believe you pout this together that fast. I think this will be a great thing for you and I really do think you are going to have a good time with this. I am sure all your friends will find this little blog VERY helpful!! :0) Look forward to the recepies!!

  2. Great job, cousin! I'm so proud of you. I look forward to following your progress and success. Love ya bunches!


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