Sunday, January 8, 2023

A Kitchen Gadget Worth Having

 Like most of you, I have my favorite kitchen gadgets. Some I use weekly, others almost daily, and then some I might not use a lot, but when I want it, it is waiting to make my life just a little easier. 

And like many of you there have been ones I swore I didn't need in my kitchen. I didn't see the point because I didn't think I would use it enough to excuse the cost. An immersion, or stick, blender fell into that category for many years. 

Do I Need An Immersion Blender

Well, I was wrong. Completely. First off, this trusty kitchen gadget has become so popular you can find nice ones that are that expensive, so no more excuse there. Secondly, once I used it in a new recipe, I understood what I had been missing out on. 

Were there recipes I avoided because I didn't have one? Yep. Could I use my standard blender, and just work in batches? Sure. Did the immersion blender give me better results with less mess? Absolutely! 

Cream Of Broccoli Soup Recipe

This Cream of Broccoli Soup is super creamy and smooth because of the way it was blended, no doubt. It is done right in the cooking pot, so fewer dishes too. It has simple ingredients and can be on the table in under an hour.

 Why Should I Use Fresh Broccoli

The use of fresh broccoli really takes the flavor in this soup to the next level. When you chop it, be sure to remove the big, woody stems, but use the smaller, more tender ones for great flavor. Since the soup will be blended after cooking, nobody will ever know. 

How To Store Cream Of Broccoli Soup

If you have leftovers, let them cool completely and then store in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 days. If you want to freeze for later, pour into plastic containers or bags and freeze for up to 2 months. 

How To Reheat Cream Of Broccoli Soup

If coming from the fridge, pour into a pot on the stove and reheat over medium heat, stirring often until heated through, about 10-15 minutes. If frozen, thaw in the fridge overnight and then heat on the stove top, whisking it often to reincorporate the dairy that might have separated in the freezer.


If you are on the fence about buying an immersion blender, I hope my story has convinced you it really is something you will find so helpful in your kitchen. Sure, it might not get used as much as my slow cooker or air fryer, but it would definitely be the new MVP of soup season.

Cream of Broccoli Soup

 Cream of Broccoli Soup

2 large broccoli crowns, rough chopped 

2 stalks celery, chopped

2 potatoes, peeled and chopped

2 large carrots, chopped

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 medium yellow onion, chopped

6 cups chicken broth

3/4 cup half and half

1 TBS olive oil

2 TBS butter

1/2 tsp. dried rosemary

1/2 tsp. dried thyme

Salt and Pepper

Shredded cheese for garnish, if desired

In a large Dutch oven or stock pot, melt butter into oil over medium high heat.  Sauté onions, celery, carrots and garlic until soft, about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add potatoes, rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper. Continue to sauté for a few minutes. Add chopped broccoli and cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add broth, stirring and scraping bottom of the pot to deglaze. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, partially cover and simmer for 20 minutes until vegetables are soft. Remove from heat and blend using an immersion blender. Once smooth, add half and half, stir well and serve immediately. Top with shredded cheese if desired.

Cream of Broccoli Soup



  1. This sounds yummy. I will try. A recipe like this is a perfect reason to have an immersion blender. It has earned it's place on my shelf!

  2. Hi Baca! I couldn't agree more! Having one now for these kinds of soups makes it so easy and it doesn't take up much precious cupboard space.


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