Monday, February 14, 2022

Mom's Version Will Always Be Our Favorite

 Do you have a recipe, or maybe a few, that no matter how many times you make it, it will never taste as good or "just right" the way mom did? Hers will forever and always taste better and you've just accepted it? 

For me, mom's meatloaf and beef and noodles are at the time of that list. The meatloaf I have come to terms with and mine is SOOOO close I can live with it. The beef and noodles? I don't even try. If we are craving them, mom is inviting us over for the real deal.

Another one that used to be on that list, but over the years I've done a pretty good job at perfecting it, is her goulash. For many years mine was missing something, although I could never put my finger on it. I always used the same recipe as she did, so who knows. Maybe I've just gotten used to mine enough that I don't notice it anymore.

The really funny thing about this recipe is a story from when I was first married, almost 19 years ago. Mr. E asked me if I knew how to make goulash. I told him yes and would do so. He explained that his grandma's was his favorite but he hadn't had it in years. A few nights later I made him mine, learned from my mom (and her mom before her) and before I could say a word he exclaimed "You got Grandma's recipe from her!! This is perfect." 

I just stared at him in astonishment, and then finally revealed it was my family's version, not his. He was gobsmacked because it was exactly how he remembered. I asked his grandma and was the exact way she had made it when he was growing up. How cool is it that two grandmas, one in Indiana and another in Pennsylvania, made a classic dish the same way, and their grandkids would meet, marry and then carry on that tradition, from both sides of the family?! 

This easy goulash is by far one of my go-to meals. It is quick cooking, budget friendly and always a hit. It feeds a few or a crowd since it can easily be doubled. 

If there is a recipe from your mom you just can't seem to get right, keep day your kids will thank you and hopefully learn to make it too!

 Easy Goulash

1 lb. ground beef

1 medium yellow onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves minced

1 lb. elbow macaroni

1 (26 oz.) jar spaghetti sauce

1 TBS olive oil

Salt and Pepper

Cook macaroni according to package directions. In a large skillet or Dutch oven over medium high heat, sauté onion in oil until soft, about 3 minutes. Add beef and garlic. Continue to cook until no longer pink, about 10 minutes. Season wit salt and pepper. Reduce heat to low. When pasta is cooked, drain well. Add sauce and elbows to beef mixture. Mix well. Allow to cook on low about 10 minutes to let flavors develop. Serve with Parmesan cheese if desired.

Shared at Weekend Potluck







  1. Looks so simple and easy. Will make this week. Thank you :)


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