Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Crazy That Is Weeknight Supper Time

 Have you entered the back to school rush? We are going into our second week, and I can honestly say, thus far it's been a pretty easy transition from summer time lazy days to the school time schedule. Don't get me wrong, that alarm ringing at 6:30 every morning isn't something I am going to welcome any time soon, and not having the teen home during the day is still something I don't enjoy, but for the most part we are easing into the school year without too much groaning. 

I'm not naive to the fact that this time of year is hard on so many. The little ones are exhausted after a long day, homework is a struggle, bedtime brings tears, after school activities have you running around, and on top of it all, everyone still wants fed! Doesn't matter what kind of day it was, come supper time, the one thing we can all agree on is we need a delicious and satisfying meal.

Pasta bakes are one of those things that seem to be universally loved. They are hearty, filling casseroles that can bring a family around the table. I have so many recipes for them, but never tire of finding new ones too! 

This Baked Spaghetti is my latest favorite one. It reminds me of something we could order at our favorite Italian restaurant. Don't freak out when you see in the ingredient list! Everything is easily found in your grocery store, and while it does take a few extra steps than "regular" spaghetti, it's 100% worth it! Plus, once you've prepped, it will be in the oven for about an hour, so that gives you some time to decompress and relax before sitting down to eat.  

If back to school has you pulling your hair out a little bit, please know you aren't alone! Parents everywhere feel your pain and are going through the exact some thing. Rest assured though, having some great meals you can turn to on those days when you just can't handle complicated will let you end any day, good or bad, on a high note!



 Baked Spaghetti

1 lb. thin spaghetti

1 lb. mild Italian sausage

1 medium white onion, diced

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 (24 oz.) jar pasta sauce with meat

2 eggs

1/2 tsp. seasoned salt

1/3 c. grated Parmesan cheese

5 TBS butter, melted

1 (15 oz.) container ricotta cheese

4 c. shredded mozzarella cheese

Black pepper

Italian seasoning

Preheat oven to 350. Grease a 9x13 baking dish. Cook pasta according to directions and drain. In a large skillet over medium high heat brown sausage with onions and garlic until no longer pink. Drain if necessary. Add pasta sauce, seasoned salt and pepper. Stir well. In a large bowl whisk together eggs, Parmesan and butter. When pasta is cooked and drained, add to egg mixture and toss to coat. Place half the spaghetti mixture in baking dish. Top with half the ricotta, half of the meat sauce and half of the mozzarella. Repeat layers. Cover with foil and bake 40 minutes. Uncover, sprinkle with Italian seasoning and bake 20 additional minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. 

Shared at Weekend Potluck


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