Sunday, May 9, 2021

Dippy Eggs The Easy Way

What does your family call over easy eggs? I bet many of you just uttered "dippy" under your breath. Yep, our too. In fact, I grew up thinking it was just our family who referred to fried eggs with a runny yolk like that. It wasn't until I was a teenager, working at Bob Evans, that I learned just how many people know what dippy eggs are. In fact, I had lots of customers relieved when they would order and I knew exactly what they were talking about. 

Cooking the perfect dippy eggs in a skillet can sometimes be tricky. While I've almost mastered it over the years, I'm always up for an easier hack. Or in our case, a way for me to actually eat with the boys instead of cooking in batches, and being the last one to sit down. 

While I've made baked omelets and egg bites for a while, these were definitely a game changer! An entire dozen eggs, all cooked at the same time without grabbing the spatula! 

You want to start checking these about 10 minutes in. The whites need to be set, but the yolk still runny. Mine were perfectly cooked about 12 minutes in. The closer you get to 20 minutes, the more like hard boiled they will be. You can absolutely cook them longer if you prefer a yolk that is cooked through. 

I love baking up a batch of yummy muffins, but I also love that my muffin tin can do so much more! Now it can let us all have those dippy eggs we love with no flip needed!

 Baked Muffin Tin Eggs

1 dozen eggs

Canola Cooking Spray

Salt and Pepper

Preheat oven to 350. Spray muffin tin liberally with nonstick spray. Crack eggs into a separate bowl and transfer to muffin tin. Season with salt and pepper. Bake for 10-15 minutes and check. You want the whites set, but the yolks still runny. Around 20 minutes they will be more like hard boiled. Use a butter knife around each egg to remove from tin. 



Shared at Weekend Potluck



  1. I saw this post in the newsletter and literally screamed!! My husband refers to over easy eggs like this and I was nearly 50 yrs old before I'd ever heard of it!😂. We grew up less than 5 miles from each other, yet I'd NEVER heard them referred to in this way! I ADORE dippy eggs, but HATE the nanosecond precision required to achieve them! Especially if doing more than 2 at a time! Thank you for sharing this recipe! Can't wait to try it!

    1. Yay! I’m so happy it makes you excited! I love the time saver too! So easy to feed everyone and not in shifts!


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