Sunday, November 8, 2020

Turkey Day Side Dish

Can you believe Thanksgiving is only a little over 2 weeks away? I swear, as soon as Halloween is over, it's a downward coast to the holiday season and they come, and pass quicker and quicker every year. 

There is no doubt Turkey Day will look different for so many this year, but no matter if you're only cooking for your immediate family, having a few guests over, or going for a traditional family gathering, menus need to be planned. And even if you are only cooking or a few, it is still a holiday, and your meal can still be special, delicious and festive. 

In that spirit, I've got a couple new side dishes coming your way before Thanksgiving, and this is the first. A sweet and savory version of autumns favorite spud, the sweet potato. This is perfect to make for a small gathering, or easily double or triple it! 

Sweet potatoes have been on holiday tables for years, and finding new ways to enjoy them can give your meal a little breath of freshness. Tradition means so much when planning a holiday meal, so it's great when you find ways to enjoy the same dishes you have for years, just in a new way.

 The reason I chose this dish (and a outstanding squash recipe later this month) is because not only would they be perfect alongside that big roasted bird, but a nice glazed ham as well. I wanted to give you double the dishes this time of year. If you are planning turkey now, ham for Christmas, or ham instead of turkey, or you've got some dishes that would be so good with either. 

However you are planning on spending Thanksgiving this year, it is coming fast, and I hope you are looking forward to it. Even if you have find joy in a new way of celebrating. Surround yourself with love, happiness, gratefulness and some yummy food!

 Cinnamon & Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes

4 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed

1/4 c. olive oil

1/4 c. honey

2 tsp. cinnamon

Salt and Pepper

Preheat oven to 375. Toss all ingredients in a large bowl until well combined. Transfer to a large baking sheet. Roast for 30 minutes until fork tender.


 Shared at Weekend Potluck

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