Sunday, November 22, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving 2020

 We have arrived at the biggest foodie week of the year. My turkey is thawing in the fridge and my menu is set. (If your turkey is still in the deep freezer, consider this your friendly reminder!) 

There is no doubt Thanksgiving is going to look very different this year, for so many of us. But I am determined to make sure it is still a special, and delicious day for my family. A big (all 18 lbs of it!) beautifully roasted bird, green bean casserole, fluffy mashed potatoes, homemade gravy, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and dinner rolls will be hitting our table. Oh, and thanks to a delivery from my mom, her pumpkin pie complete with a tub of Cool Whip! 

No matter if your celebration is scaled back this year, or like me, you are cooking the same amount of food and just thankful for leftovers, if you're still searching for one more side dish, that one last thing to round out your menu, this tasty squash recipe could definitely be what you are looking for! 

We are big squash lovers around here. All kinds, Cooked all ways. But when I saw the addition of cranberries and pecans to this one, I knew it had to be the annual EMM Thanksgiving recipe. Squash, cranberries AND pecans...that screams turkey day to me! Autumn inspired flavors and such a pretty dish too. 

The maple syrup gives this a little extra hint of sweetness, and you can even serves some extra warmed syrup on the side for drizzling if your guests want more. 

However you are choosing to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, there is no doubt it has been a HARD year; but we all still have so much to be thankful for. Sure, there are days when those things are hard to focus on when it seems like the world is on fire. But for this one day, I hope we can all take a breath, look around at all we've been blessed with, tell those we love how much they mean, and eat ourselves into a happy food coma! 

Roasted Butternut Squash with Pecans and Cranberries

1 4-5 lb. butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cubed

1 c. chopped pecans

1/2 c. dried cranberries

2 TBS olive oil

3 TBS maple syrup, extra for serving

Salt and Pepper

 Preheat oven to 400. In a large bowl combine squash, oil, salt and pepper. Toss to coat. Transfer to large baking sheet.  Roast for 20-30 minutes. Drizzle with syrup and sprinkle with pecans and cranberries. Bake for 10-15 minutes more until squash is fork tender. Serve with extra maple syrup on side if desired. 

 Shared at Weekend Potluck

Inspired by Sue Bee Homemaker

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