Sunday, October 11, 2020

Home School Halloween

Since deciding to home school Max for preschool, I have found myself constantly on the hunt for activities to have him learn in fun and hands on ways. He actually enjoys sitting and doing worksheets probably more than most kids his age, says he is "doing homework like Bubbie" but when I tell him we have something extra fun to do, his little eyes light up.

Some days it's a fun craft, others he gets time to play with his Play-do sets or paint. And then there are the times I find ways to incorporate life skills like math into a recipe so we can spend some time together in the kitchen. Today's recipe is a perfect example. 

First off, let's be very clear. This isn't a recipe at all. There are 3 ingredients and you assemble. That's it. Max and I literally spent 10 minutes start to finish on this batch. But hey, that was the perfect amount of time for a 4 year old's attention span. 

I used these for a couple different lessons. We talked about what shape the cookies were, what shape we piped the frosting on, and the dollop of jelly on top. "Mommy, we painted squares onto rectangles and then added a tiny circle of jelly." We counted out the number we made and made rows of them in equal amounts. 

It is moments like these I don't even think he realizes we are "doing school" or that he is learning. He's having fun and loves to show me what he knows. Who wouldn't love a math lesson you can eat at the end? 

Max will also tell you these are "spooky but yummy", the perfect Halloween treat. If you're finding ways to celebrate at home this year, they definitely need to be on the menu. Maybe you are letting the kids have a few friends over instead of a big trick or treating group, you could easily have little cookie making kits pre-made for them to create their own. 

I never thought I was cut out to home-school, I realize that preschool is easy in the scheme of things, and know I could never do it full time until college. But for these years when he is still home with me, and I can watch him learn, have fun and enjoy discovering the world around him, I feel very blessed and am thankful to be his favorite teacher! 

Bloody Band-Aid Cookies
 Vanilla Sugar Wafer Cookies

Vanilla Frosting

Strawberry Preserves

Quart Size Plastic Storage Bags


Carefully scoop some of the frosting into a plastic bag. Do the same with the preserves. Close tightly and squeeze air out. Cut the tip of each bag. Pipe the frosting into a square in the center of the cookies. Smooth out with toothpick if necessary. Add a small dot of preserves. Serve immediately. 



Shared at Weekend Potluck

Shared at Meal Plan Monday


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