Sunday, May 17, 2020

17 Years

May 17, 2003, 4:30 pm...I walked down the aisle to a handsome man waiting for me, ready to spend the rest of my life with him. A man whom I had already been with for 6 years. See, May 17th has always been our anniversary. For those of you who have never heard the story, Adam and I were married 6 years to the day AND time of our first date. May 17, 1997 4:30 pm he picked me up for our first date; and 6 years later that is the exact minute I walked down the aisle on my daddy's arm to begin a life with that man I had fell in love with. 

So yes, today is our anniversary. With it being Sunday and having 2 kids and restaurants only slowly starting to open for dine in, we decided for a special meal at home. Can you say surf and turf? I am patiently waiting for supper, but it's getting hard knowing I have steak, shrimp and lobster in my future. Plus corn on the cob! I think the only person more excited than me might be the 15 year old. LOL That's right, our kids get to join us for our special anniversary dinner, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I decided today was the perfect day to share my hubby's absolute favorite salad I make for him. And if we weren't having such a huge meal already, I would definitely make it for him tonight. I actually made it part of our at-home Easter dinner this year, and he was thrilled.

Why is it his favorite? Easy. The hearts of palm. They are one of his favorite veggies, and all of us have grown to love them too. What are they? Literally, the heart of a palm tree. No joke! If you've never tasted them, I would say they are similar to an artichoke heart, which ironically are also in this salad. Both are sort of briny, and have an unique flavor. 

We love this topped with a sweet onion dressing, which I just buy in the bottle, but you could easily make a homemade version, or dress it with your favorite dressing. But I'm telling you the sweet dressing with the briny veggies make for a tasty flavor combo. 

This would make a terrific salad for all summer long! Perfect for backyard barbecues, or even a light supper on a hot night! I would add some fresh fruit and crusty bread and call it dinner! 

Happy Anniversary to my love. I've loved you for 23 years, and we've built a beautiful life together. I can't wait to see what the next 17 years bring! 

Hearts of Palm Salad
3 hearts of Romaine, chopped
1 (2.5 oz.) pouch real bacon bits
1 (15 oz.) can quartered artichoke hearts, drained
1 (14 oz.) jar hearts of palm, drained
Sweet Onion Dressing

In a large bowl combine all veggies and bacon. Mix well. Serve with dressing on the side if you're serving it to a group. If just your family, add dressing to taste and mix well. Suggested mix ins: Feta cheese, chopped avocado, sliced mushrooms, nuts, dried cranberries.  

Shared at Weekend Potluck

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