Sunday, March 24, 2019


Some recipes come to be because I brainstorm, test, tweak, test again, tweak a little bit more and finally they are ready to share with all of you. Others? Well, they happen because I screw up, are a complete accident and were never planned. Such is the case today!

I've been making my Lemon Chicken Noodle Soup for years. In fact, it's one of the first recipes I can remember tearing from a magazine and making when we were newlyweds. It's one of those that I know so well I can make it from memory, and it turns out perfect every time. Then basketball season happened.

Back when the boy was practicing 3-4 times per week, plus games too, I tried really hard for us to still have a meal on the table we could all sit down to. Many time I would simply cook it, and then keep it warm until he came home. It was really important to me that he wasn't eating leftovers every night and we weren't hitting the drive through either.

So, one cold January night I figured, what better meal for him to come home to than a warm bowl of my yummy soup he's loved since he was little. I prepared it, I turned off the heat, covered it and let it wait on us. Well, do you know what happens when you let noodles sit in broth? (For the record, so do I, but I had a total brain fart!) Yep, they soaked up all the liquid to the point when I ladled it up...there was barely a drop of broth left.

I was so mad at myself, and then I looked around the table and all the boys were gobbling it down. Hmmmm, maybe I'm onto something!

We love chicken and noodles, so why not put a new spring twist on it? I knew I had a new recipe up my sleeve, after a little tweaking of course!

This is a fresh twist on a classic perfect for a chilly spring day!

Lemon Chicken & Noodles
1 lb. egg noodles
2 lbs. chicken tenders
2 large carrots, peeled and diced
3 celery ribs, diced
1 small white onion, chopped
1/4 c. vegetable oil, divided use
1 TBS butter
2 (32 oz.) boxes chicken broth
1 c. water
1 TBS dried basil
1 TBS dried parsley
1 lemon, juiced
Salt and Pepper to taste
Garlic Powder to taste

Preheat oven to 350. Lay chicken tenders on baking sheet. Drizzle with 2 TBS oil. Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Roast for 30 minutes until juices run clear. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool for a few minutes. Shred chicken using two forks. Set aside. 

In a large stock pot, heat 2 TBS oil and butter over medium high heat. Saute vegetables for 10 minutes until they begin to soften. Add chicken and saute for a few minutes more. Add broth, water, basil, parsley, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. reduce heat, cover and simmer 15 minutes. Add noodles, increase heat and bring back to boil. Cook 10 minutes until noodles are tender. Add lemon juice and stir well. Turn off heat and cover. Allow to sit for 20-25 minutes until noodles have absorbed broth. Stir and serve.

 Shared at Weekend Potluck
Shared at Meal Plan Monday


  1. Hi Krista. I've been making one pot chicken and noodles for almost 20 years but I've always boiled my chicken (usually legs and thighs) and added veggies and noodles later. This sounds great and I am sure the roasted chicken adds a totally new dimension to it. I've got to try this real soon!

    1. Hi! YES! Roasting the chicken adds so much flavor, and for me, just makes the whole thing easier. No boning. And you can make the chicken up to a day ahead if you’re really tight on time! I hope you do try it & enjoy!


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