Sunday, January 20, 2019

Frigid Temps

Has the deep freeze found you? If not, consider yourself lucky. In our neck of the woods, it is below freezing. It is hurt your face when you walk outside cold. Mr. E. had icicles in his beard while he cleared the drive way today.

There isn't much I hate as much as the cold. And the snow. And winter. As we like to say, "You don't have to shovel sunshine." We count the minutes until warm weather comes back. Yes, we know we live in Indiana, but it doesn't stop us from whining every year.

Now we are lucky because besides walking to and from vehicles we don't really have to be out in it. I feel SO bad for those who work out in this type of cold. The lady working the drive through window, the barista making your coffee, the mail carrier, UPS driver, construction worker, police officer...the list is endless and they all do their jobs in the kinda cold I can't stomach.

But for me, even being out in it a little is too much; and when I finally get to come inside where it's warm, all I want is to get into my pjs, warm slippers and eat a warm meal to thaw me from the inside out. A thick chili or stew, a piping hot bowl of soup, or a stick to the ribs, hearty, comfort food.

The last is what we have today. A flavorful and tender meat cooked in the Crock Pot all day long that is perfect next to a pile of fluffy mashed potatoes. Now that will warm us up!

It's only January and we have so much winter in front of us. Hopefully we can all find some tasty meals to make it a little more bearable!

Crock Pot Sirloin Tips
2-3 lbs. sirloin steak, cut into 1 inch piece cubes
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. onion powder
2 tsp. steak seasoning
1 can cream mushroom soup
1 (15 oz.) can beef broth
1 envelope onion soup mix
1 c. + 2 TBS water, divided use
1/2 TBS Worcestershire sauce 
1 TBS cornstarch
Salt and Pepper to taste
Parsley for garnish

Place steak in slow cooker. Sprinkle with garlic powder, onion powder, steak seasoning, salt and pepper. In a medium bowl combine soup, broth, onion soup mix, 1 cup water, and Worcestershire. Pour over meat. Cook on LOW 6 hours. In a small bowl combine cornstarch and 2 TBS water. Pour into beef mixture and stir well. Increase heat to HIGH and cook for 30 minutes until slightly thickened. Serve with mashed potatoes and garnish with parsley. 

Shared at Weekend Potluck

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