Monday, July 18, 2016

Another Recipe Contest

Yep, once again I am trying to see if a recipe I create can be named "best in show." I have to admit, I really enjoy entering recipe contests, but just don't have as much time to do them right now as I would like. (For those of you keeping track, I am almost 9 months pregnant...hence the short on time issue!)

But when I heard about this one from JSL Foods, I decided to make the time to enter one more before my days are completely full of bottles, diapers and cooing!

The idea was simple. They would send me whichever of their products I wanted to incorporate into a recipe and then I got to play and create in my kitchen. How cool!

I decided to use their Teriyaki Yakisoba Noodles, but in a different way than I normally would.

We are Asian food fanatics, but in the summer time, we are also salad ones too. We like eating lighter, cooler and more refreshing meals when the sun is beating down and it's too hot to move. So I decided I could take these tasty noodles, add some fresh ingredients, a tasty sauce and create a salad that is both filling and light at the same time.

This makes a terrific main dish, with some fresh fruit on the side. Or whip up a big batch of it for your next cookout. Feel free to add whatever veggies you think you would be delicious, I think I might add zucchini next time.

If you want to learn more about JSL Foods and all the great products they have to offer, check them out online, on Facebook and Twitter. Or, look for them at your local Safeway or Target store. Oh, and wish me Good Luck!!

Sweet n Spicy Asian Noodles Salad
3 packages Fortune Teriyaki Yakisoba Noodles, sauce packets discarded
1 (12 oz.) bag frozen cooked medium shrimp, thawed and tails removed
1 (8 oz.) bag frozen shelled edamame, thawed
1 lb. fresh broccoli crowns, cut into florets
1 red bell pepper, julienned
1/4-1/3 c. creamy peanut butter
1/4 c. soy sauce, extra for serving
1/4 c. lemon juice
1/2 c. chicken broth
3 TBS sesame seeds, extra for garnish
1-3 tsp. sriracha, to taste

Bring 2 large pots of water to a boil. When they are rapidly boiling, add noodles to one, and broccoli to the other. Cook EACH 2 minutes total. Immediately transfer both the noodles and broccoli to a large bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process. Drain well.  In a medium bowl whisk together soy sauce, lemon juice, chicken broth, peanut butter, sriracha and sesame seeds. Transfer noodles and broccoli to a large bowl. Pour sauce over. Add shrimp, peppers and edamame. Toss to combine. Chill for at least an hour before serving. Stir well again. Sprinkle with extra sesame seeds. Serve with extra soy sauce on the side. *NOTES* I use 2 teaspoons of sriracha, because I can't take much heat. Feel free to use less or more depending on the heat level your family enjoys. Or, you can always serve extra on the side. When you pour the sauce down over the noodles, you will notice extra. This is fine because it will absorb a lot while chilling. 

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