Friday, November 6, 2015

Soup, Decorating and AC

Oh, Indian Summer, how we've been enjoying you! The first entire week of November we were well into the 70's every. single. day. It was bliss. Especially since we know all too well the reality check we are in for.

The only downside to it being that warm this time of year is the fact our beautiful shade tree in our front yard can't really do its job with all the leaves missing. So that means, our house quickly becomes an oven, and well, mama doesn't do oven, unless it has supper in it!

Picture this. It's Sunday afternoon, about 70 degrees outside, and I'm busy doing a ton of housework, plus cooking, plus switching out Halloween decorations for Thanksgiving ones. Oh, and the cooking? It was of course, soup, because it's fall, and no matter how warm, we are eating soup. But between the heat of the Crock Pot, the sun shining, no shade and me running around like a mad was time to turn on the AC. Yep, I'm that girl. (The same girl who raked leaves later in the week wearing flip flops and capris!)

What a combination though. Putting up Thanksgiving decorations, cooking a hearty warm you up kind of soup, all while running around in sandals with the AC on. It was a funny scene, let me tell you.

But the most important part of the tale, is the soup of course! Okay, technically it's a chowder, thicker and more hearty. You are going to L.O.V.E. this one! It's the epitome of set it, forget it, enjoy it! Not to mention, pour, stir, pour some more, stir again and cook. Done. I know this one is going to become a regular in our house when cold weather hits!

Temps will be falling any minute now, and we will be missing this beautiful weather for the next several months. The AC will quickly be changed over to the furnace, and those turkeys I just put out will be traded out for snowmen and Santa. But as the thermometer plummets, at least I know we can ease our pain with a delicious meal.

Crock Pot Corn Chowder
1 (15 oz.) can creamed corn
1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup
1 lb. frozen corn
3 c. milk
1 small yellow onion, diced
1 lb. diced ham
1 1/2 c. frozen shredded potatoes
2 tsp. dried parsley, extra for garnish
2 TBS butter
Salt and Pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in Crock Pot. Stir to combine. Cook on LOW for 6 hours. Garnish with parsley.

Shared at Weekend Potluck

1 comment:

  1. Looks like perfection to me!! I love chowders! Especially with corn. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Weekend Potluck. I sure hope to make this one soon. MMMM!


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