Thursday, October 29, 2015

New Potatoes

That title actually has double meaning for this recipe. Obviously because it's a new recipe, but also because it is made with the "new" baby sized potatoes. I love when new blog posts are that easy to name!

My favorite potato chip on the face of the planet is a crunchy salt and vinegar. Oh the saltiness, the sour tang, the I love thee. Mr. E and I are also the ones at the fair, eating the big plates of curly fries or "potato stacks" drowned in malt vinegar. In fact, I keep a bottle in the fridge for drizzling whenever we want!

I've told you before how much I love cooking with the Yukon gold potatoes, small, medium or large. They are buttery, tender and take on whatever flavor they are cooked with, making them so versatile for so many things.

These are the perfect side dish for a beef dinner, whatever type it is. I served them alongside a beef roast, but they would be delicious with steak, burgers, or even sloppy joes. If you aren't as big of a fan as the vinegar as me, start with a little and see how they taste. We like a strong flavor, but it might be overpowering for some. The contrast of it with the salt and buttery potatoes is pretty hard to beat!

Potato dishes are one of those things you can have a million of and still look for more!

Salt & Vinegar Potatoes
3 lbs. "size B" Yukon gold potatoes, halved or quartered
4 TBS olive oil
3 tsp. dried rosemary
3-4 TBS red wine vinegar
Salt and Pepper to taste
Kosher salt

In a large skillet or dutch oven, cover potatoes with water. Bring to a boil and cook about 10 minutes until just fork tender. Drain. Wipe out pan. Heat oil over medium high heat. Add potatoes. Don't move for about 2 minutes, allowing them to brown. Add rosemary, salt and pepper. Cooking, stirring frequently about 10 minutes until golden. Turn off heat. Add vinegar and stir well. Sprinkle with kosher salt. 

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