Tuesday, August 18, 2015

General Mills® Box Tops™ Spirit Week

So you've went to the store. You've bought Box Tops™ products. You cut them out, send them to school with your child and you're done. Right? Not so fast! 

With the BONUS Box Tops™ you can earn right now at Walmart, it got me thinking about how we could get parents and kids at our school to really step up their Box Tops™ game! 

Little Man and I started brainstorming and thought what if the school dedicated an entire week to Box Tops™? A Spirit Week, let's call it. But one that doubles as a Box Tops™ drive? Each day, kids that bring in Box Tops™ get something a little extra! It's all about motivation! Our school has actually done these kinds of things for other charities and they are always a huge success!

So this is the Spirit Week we came up with for our school, but you could easily adapt them for things you know would work well at yours!

1. Hat Day
Kids love to be able to wear things at school they don't normally get to. If you bring in Box Tops , you then get to wear a hat at school all day long! This one is always a big hit for kids at our school.

2. Extra Milk At Lunch
Extra thirsty at lunchtime? Your Box Tops™ get you a coupon for an extra milk! Our school always has extra milks for kids to purchase anyway, so this way they are actually getting paid instead! 

3. Extra 10 Minutes of Recess
YAY!! Every child who brings in Box Tops™ on this day get to stay outside for an extra 10 minutes and run off a little more energy. That's a win win for both teachers and students! 

4. Popcorn Day
Once a month our school has popcorn the students can buy for $.50 per bag. Our thought was Box Tops™ could be traded for one of those bags of popcorn instead! 

5. Movie Day
At the end of the week, any child who has brought in Box Tops™ during Spirit Week are invited to watch a movie in the gym. Pop in a DVD and reward these kids for all their hard Box Tops™ work! 

I know if we gave these incentives to kids at our school, they would be dragging their parents to Walmart to look for all those BONUS Box Tops™ products! Giving back makes us parents feel so good, so why not make sure the kids are having fun participating as well? It's a terrific way for them to learn about charity, school spirit and the importance of appreciating everything our schools do for them every single day. 

Getting into the Box Tops™ spirit is easier than ever with the BONUS Box Tops™ at Walmart. So get out there and find a way to get even more Box Tops™ into your school! I would love to hear what spirit days you think would be a hit at your school. Leave me comments with your ideas!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.

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