Monday, May 4, 2015

It's Someone's Birthday, Right??!!

If you are a loyal reader of this blog, you know how obsessed I've become with muffins over the past few months. I can't get enough. I love finding new recipes and experimenting with old ones. They are probably my #1 thing to bake at this point in my life. (Now, I'm sure a big part of that is most are "stupid" easy and even I, the not so great baker, can't screw them up. But we will just keep that little tidbit between you and me, okay?? Shh!)

So when a friend told me about these awesome muffins her kids made for her birthday breakfast, I was totally intrigued. One of my favorite flavors of cake/cupcakes is "funfetti" and I had never thought about doing the same thing with muffins! How genius! And what a great treat for a special person on their special day!

But here was my dilemma. The next birthday in our house isn't until July...Mr. E's. And while I know he would enjoy these, he isn't quite as infatuated with muffins and sprinkles as much as Monkey and I. But our birthdays aren't until September and next February. There was no way I was waiting that long to try these out. So, I told myself "Hey, it's someone's birthday today, right?"

Oh. My. Word. These are my new favorite! They are super moist, super sweet and super fun! Probably not one I would serve for breakfast before school (Don't need little ones in a sugar coma by 10 am) but for after school snack, dessert or fun weekend treat, absolutely. Oh, how cute would they be in a packed lunch on your kid's birthday??!!..I will have to remember that!)

Forget cupcakes, these birthday cake muffins are the new hot sprinkle destination! 

Birthday Cake Muffins
2 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
2/3 c. buttermilk
2/3 c. vegetable oil
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
3/4 c. sugar
1 c. sprinkles*
1 c. powdered sugar
2 TBS milk
Extra Sprinkles, different shape

Preheat oven to 400. Line a muffin tin with papers. In a large bowl whisk together flour, baking powder, salt and 1 c. sprinkles.  In a medium bowl whisk together buttermilk, eggs, oil, sugar and vanilla. Combine wet ingredients into dry. Mix just until combined. Spoon batter into muffin cups, about 3/4 way full. Bake for 15-20 minutes until toothpick comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack. In a small bowl combine powdered sugar and milk until smooth. Drizzle over cooled muffins and add extra sprinkles. *NOTE* For the sprinkles inside the muffins, I like the "jimmy" style, long and thin. For the top, I like the little round "nonpareils."  

Shared on The Country Cook May 8, 2015


  1. Love love love these tasty...and pretty...treats. So glad you shared with us at Weekend Potluck. Have a great week ahead.

  2. Hi Krista - I love these great treats so much I chose them as my personal favorite for this week's Weekend Potluck. Do hope you'll join us again today. =) Thanks - and have a great weekend.


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